1/48 Su-11 construction
Photo 1 of 44
21 March 2019, 18:45

So, made a start on this at last! Only managed the exhaust and the cockpit so far, but I think this is my best cockpit yet. ^-^
21 March 2019, 18:47

Looks ok. Will you build it with canopy closed? If not, try to correct the places where the silver of the switches got on the panels too.
21 March 2019, 19:45

Canopy is in one piece so it will definitely be closed. Besides which I never build canopies open anyway, there's too much danger of getting paint on the cockpit or the inside of the canopy, which would ruin it. I thought I did a pretty neat job painting the switches...
21 March 2019, 20:25

The thing is, eith all those super-duper terapixel extra macro mode cameras we see things we wouldn't normally see with the naked eye. So the switches probably look good, and nobody will notice them under the one piece canopy. Keep up the good work!
21 March 2019, 20:31

Looks good so far - looks like you have a steadier hand than me! I often get wrapped around the axles when I see photos I've taken of my work, too. Truth is, with the canopy in place (open or closed) and the model in the display cabinet, I usually can't see anything I did anyway!
22 March 2019, 00:13

Thanks! Realised I forgot to paint one switch, so i'll have to fix that. But hopefully today I can get onto building the actual plane! Although that relies on me making the nosecone/intake work properly... still worried about painting and masking that bit.
22 March 2019, 07:43

Painting that cockpit in such detail looks like an exercise in frustration. It must have taken you ages. One of the many reasons I steer well clear of modern jets. What size brush did you use? Nice work by the way.
22 March 2019, 12:27

Katya, I have a set of resin wheels for this kit if you find the need. I dont need them since I traded the kit for an Su-15.
22 March 2019, 13:05

Thanks Bryn!
Richmond, I'm not sure on the exact size of the brush, but it wasn't too hard due to the paints I used, and the raised details, I found if I was careful the paint would fill the raised detail almost by itself. Normally I would just stick with decals but in this case there was only a decal for the main console, and not the sides. So I have started experimenting with a small brush.
Nathan, do resin wheels need cleaning up? I get very nervous when I hear "resin"... And ooh an Su-15! I need to get some of those at some point too.
Currently I have ran into an annoyance in that the cockpit doesn't fit into the airframe properly. I managed to get it to fit once with the end of a long stick but I wasn't ready for gluing at that point, so I am dreading the point where I actually have to glue the thing together.
I'm also still not sure how i'm going to be able to mask the nose to paint it green... it would be easy if it was a separate part, but the nose cone is molded as part of the intake assembly, so it HAS to be fitted before you can join the fuselage halves. 🙁
22 March 2019, 13:46

The wheels are just on a thin carrier that can be popped off by hand.
22 March 2019, 13:58

PM me your address and I'll ship them out. Happy someone can use them 🙂
22 March 2019, 17:07

Painting the nose and intake assembly, plus a bunch of other assemblies waiting to be put together. The cockpit still doesn't fit quite right into the fuselage but there doesn't seem to be much I can do about that, so I guess i'll be forcing the fuselage together, and breaking out the filler.
23 March 2019, 13:06

Realised I forgot to drill the holes for the missile pylons, so had to tear the wings apart. I managed to get them back together but... well, they're somewhat worse for wear. 🙁
23 March 2019, 13:35

Definitely going to need filler. I just hope the canopy fits...
23 March 2019, 17:48

Just waiting for the comments going "Oh a MiG-21"...
Tomorrow i'll fill the gaps on the fuselage and properly stick the wings and stabilators on. 🙂
23 March 2019, 18:53

Thanks! It's ready for painting now, assembly is done other than the wheels and underwing stores.
24 March 2019, 16:59

I'm not sure enjoyment would be the word.
It is satisfying when they are done though.
24 March 2019, 19:22

Well post WW2 if you don't like MiGs it's basically Sukhois or nothing.😉
25 March 2019, 07:18

A few minor gaps filled and the "inner" canopy colour painted
25 March 2019, 09:57

Very nice - do you know if this model has the usual Trumpeter/HobbyBoss mistakes? Following, in any case. 🙂
25 March 2019, 12:10

I think someone mentioned somewhere that the model's fuselage is about 3mm too short, but that's not the sort of thing that bothers me.
Oh, apparently cockpit is a bit soft on detail but again, i'm happy with it.
25 March 2019, 14:29

And that's the priming done! Hopefully can move on to painting it properly tomorrow. 🙂
25 March 2019, 18:51

*grumbling* not a MiG... stupid MiGs.... can never escape from them...
And yep! First colour for the NMF will be Vallejo Air's Metallic Aluminium, then i'm planning to do the nose area in metallic steel, the exhaust in metallic black, and a few areas around exhausts in metallic gunmetal. I'll also probably drip a bunch of black wash into the gear bays to make their details stand out more.
26 March 2019, 07:18

MiGs look too nice when compared to the strangeness of the Sukhoi designs would be my guess🙂
26 March 2019, 09:06

I have a personal grudge against MiGs. 😛
Anyway, that's the underside painted!
26 March 2019, 09:30

That's the aluminium done now! Once I get back from work it should be dry, and I can paint the other colours.
26 March 2019, 10:36

There we are, the painting and detailing is done. Once it dries fully i'll give it a coat of pledge to protect the paint and to get it ready for decals.
26 March 2019, 16:59

Very nice! That's the look I was hoping for when I build my Sea Fury, but it didn't quite come out as nice.
26 March 2019, 17:33

I assure you it looks far worse in person. There was also a horrible disaster just before this that made me give up in tears, but I went back to it and managed to somewhat fix it.
I'm really annoyed with Trumpeter though, the nose is off centre in the intake. -_-
26 March 2019, 17:37

Their MiG-21s are the same. I had to re-align the nose on my J-7G, too.
26 March 2019, 22:50

Thank you. The drop tanks are painted now and i'm working on the R-8 missiles.
27 March 2019, 17:59

Just waiting for paint on missiles to dry, and then I can clear coat them and the drop tanks. 🙂
27 March 2019, 19:04

Missile decals on, that should be the end of all the decals now.
28 March 2019, 08:01

There we go, it's done other than the wheels. I won't do a proper album until those are here, so in the meantime have these comparison shots with my 1/48 F-104J.
28 March 2019, 10:09

Looks good! The F-104J also looks great. I have a soft spot for JASDF and russian birds.
29 March 2019, 11:19

I'm very fond of the JASDF and Soviet aircraft myself! Except MiGs, don't like MiGs.
29 March 2019, 14:07

Very attractive couple there Katya👍
Amazing how quick you implement new techniques and skills built by built 👍
29 March 2019, 14:55

I wouldn't say I have used any new techniques... and I assure you it looks MUCH worse in reality than in the pictures.
29 March 2019, 19:52

Oh... I did the F-104J a while ago, I couldn't have done it without the Eduard masking set.
29 March 2019, 20:21

They're stuck on now, just giving them some time to dry, and then i'll upload final pictures. 🙂
2 April 2019, 20:06
Album info
Building Trumpeter's 1/48 Su-11