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Jon Bryon (jonbryon)

Monogram 1/48 Bell AH-1S Cobra


11 30 May 2019, 02:00
Nicolas M.
Very nice work!
A little weathering for the desert conditions would be a plus 😉
I love it. 👍
 1 February 2024, 09:36
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work!
 1 February 2024, 09:38
Jon Bryon Autor
Thanks. This is a pretty old build now that hasn't stood the test of time that well, but it was fun making all the alterations and experimenting with resin rivets for the first time.
 1 February 2024, 20:06
Nicolas M.
👍 What is the brand for the very nice resin rivets ?
 1 February 2024, 21:35
Jon Bryon Autor
They were from Archer Fine Transfers. I've started using the Eduard ones instead. They are better.
 1 February 2024, 21:52
Nicolas M.
Thank you Jon 😉
 1 February 2024, 22:12

Project info

55 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 AH-1S Cobra Helicopter (Monogram 5444)1:48 AH-1F Upgrade Set (Werner's Wings 48-02)1+
Bell AH-1S Cobra
IL Heyl Ha'Avir (Israeli Air Force 1948-now)
161 Tayeset (Southern Cobra-Black Snake) Sqn. 514

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