Photo 1 of 11
26 July 2019, 23:40

First color finished. This time Ammo Mig layed down bad. Anyway, I want to compare different styles on highlights, so there will be more comparasions with Pz H.
16 August 2019, 14:30

Cool! I just received the Zvezda kit in the mail, so I will follow this build with interest. 👍
16 August 2019, 18:09

Greed color was added. There will be highlights and brown also.
17 August 2019, 21:21

Looking at the pictures, it seems the outer road wheels stick out quite a bit. Is that because you're still working the paint job or is that how the kit is designed?
6 September 2019, 14:25

Yep, they are not fully placed on their place so I can easy remove them and place tracks. [img1]
Actually, all other wheels' pieces are not glued, except long pieces between each other
6 September 2019, 15:30