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Michael Franz (elmarriachi)

R.M.S. TITANIC - 1:200 by Trumpeter & more


3 5 August 2019, 14:09
Holger Kranich
Damn great (big) project! I am definately in!🙂
 5 August 2019, 14:30
Michael Franz Autor
Many thanks - first of all, biggest horror: Watching Titanic the movie to see lot of clothes 🙂 🙁 Happy wive .... 🙂 🙂
 5 August 2019, 14:46
Holger Kranich
I think i watched that movie 50 times. Yes with wifey and a lot of tears.😢 I think they worked pretty correct regabrding the ships details.
 5 August 2019, 15:02
Holger Kranich
Where did you get all this figures? What a work to paint ´em all!8)
 5 August 2019, 15:08
lots of fun ahead... painting all those figures would not be my favorite thing to do😉
 6 August 2019, 07:57
Michael Franz Autor
Oh believe me - it not my favorite job .... absolutely not 🙂 The figuresa re from ZLPLA specially made for the coming Titanic 🙂
 8 August 2019, 13:00
Slavo Hazucha
There is even a stripe with different dogs among the figures! Would be a cool theme to set them up on deck, all barking at the Iceberg... 😄

Couple of years, big-ship models advancing to 1:100 and we will get aftermarket ship-rats too...

Btw. ship build looks very promising too... 👍😉
 31 July 2020, 12:10
Wow what a great model to take on. You will have have to do the 1/200 Titanic searcher after too ????. I will enjoy seei ng your progress and techniques, thanks for sharing.
 31 July 2020, 15:51

Project info

18 zdjęć/zdjęcia
W trakcie
1:200 R.M.S. Titanic (Trumpeter 03713)1:200 TITANIC CREWS AND PASSENGERS FIGURES (Tori Factory FS-01)1:200 TITANIC ANIMALS SET (Tori Factory FS-02)1+

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