8,8 cm Flak 37 with Kraus-Maffei(Sd.Kfz.7) tractor from the Armoured Brigade
1 19 August 2019, 05:20

Under the motto: Make the finest model with the oldest kit you can find! I am looking forward, too!
19 August 2019, 11:41

Thanks Neuling and Holger!
It's awesome gun, the Acht-Acht!
24 August 2019, 20:18

Thanks Alec!
It is an old kit but with some carefull cleaning, trimming and filling-plus some PE- it builds easily into a beautifull model.
25 August 2019, 06:35

... and is highly visible on the left upper side of the gun shield 🙂
Thanks Olly!
25 August 2019, 11:19

Looking forward to seeing this painted. 🙂 Q: Are you happy with the photo etch? I have some other kit, but I don't think I dare get the PE for the Tamiya kit in case it won't fit mine.
24 September 2019, 20:31

To your question- I'm extremely happy with the PE!
Thanks too, Olly!
Not quite sure, because I bumped into other interresting subjects in a military museum I visited last weekend😉
25 September 2019, 04:08

Looks great so far. Speaking of museums, I recently saw (and heard) an 88 fired at a local museum — very impressive.
25 September 2019, 13:41

Thanks Jim J!
Now that must have been quite a bang, I can imagine...
25 September 2019, 17:27

Thanks Rui!
I have sprayed some Dunkelgelb, will post new pictures this evening
27 September 2019, 07:05

Your last entry was almost 2 months ago and I receive it only now. Strange... Did you post the latest pictures ?
25 November 2019, 20:19

Yes I did, Olly.
I painted the gun almost 2 months ago, but I forgot to spray the tow bar (and therefore did not upload any pictures back then).Then I needed 2 months to get into the mood of spraying some Dunkelgelb on it.
I'm doing a big scrachbuild of a BLG-60M-2 AVLB in the last 5 months and my modelling time is devoted almost entirely to this project.
25 November 2019, 20:34

I love the little red paint on the 88 levers. Only you would think to do that. 😉
25 November 2019, 23:46
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