modelarska baza danych | zarządzanie magazynem



15 21 September 2019, 20:17
Rui S
Very Nice work great Paint job👍
 21 September 2019, 21:16
RingoCalamity Autor
Thank you, very kind of you to say!
 21 September 2019, 21:51
Stephen Lesley
It's funny how some models fight you all the way! With me it's an Eduard Sopwith Pup. Still trading punches after 5 years! Your plane is still lovely though.
 14 March 2023, 10:42
RingoCalamity Autor
Thank you very much, I can definitely relate. Most of my stuff that gets set aside, I'll pick it up again after a year or so and if it's still not working, into the garbage it goes. I try not to be too precious about this stuff, my skills don't warrant it and if the process isn't fun, it's not worth the headache lol
 14 March 2023, 18:40
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 16 March 2023, 07:34

Album info

OOB Ki-61. Turned out okay, lots of mistakes and by the end I just wanted to be finished. Didn't even weather the bottom of the plane lol. Still, it looks...okay?

4 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:32 Kawasaki Ki61-I Hei Hien (Tony) (Hasegawa 08078)

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