Westland Wyvern S.4 build
Photo 1 of 20
2 27 September 2019, 10:36

Great Job, Frank! Super clean build and nice paintjob on this "ugly duck"! Somehow its a fascinating plane... 🙂
27 September 2019, 11:11

I agree with Holger 🙂 very nice and detailed work and the colouring looks very good Frank 🙂 I like it a lot
27 September 2019, 14:51

I really like the semi gloss sheen on the fuselage. As if hinting at painted metal.
27 September 2019, 15:10

Great work & the seat looks nice too. I've always loved this aircraft.
27 September 2019, 19:01

Lovely result mate! This kit is on my mental to buy list, why that? Well, it's ugly with counter-rotating props in dark sea grey over sky and totally British, what's not to love with that combination!
27 September 2019, 19:34

Thank you all very much! Yes, it´s as British as you can get, and no mistake !
28 September 2019, 04:05