Panda M-ATV
November 17, 2019The Blast resin radios on the Voyager PE radio racks.2
November 17, 2019I've been adding the power, audio and antenna cables to the radios. It brings back memories of change of command inventories from years gone by.3
November 17, 2019The weapon station is PE. It helps to drill holes and glue plastic pins at the bolt locations to hold the parts in the correct place while the glue sets.4
November 17, 2019I put in 3 of 4 sides for the ballistic glass. I'll add the last side after the paining is completed.5
November 17, 2019The framework on the back of the vehicle is from the voyager PE set. The PE set includes the bolt heads in various sizes that need to be glued on.6
November 17, 2019I had to take a break from this build for a couple months. The combination of PE and CA glue was too much.7
November 20, 2019Panda does not include the VIC-3 system so I'll have to make that on my own. Change of plans. I found a 3D printed set from Shapeways for the Vic-3 and handsets.8
November 30, 2019Voyager provided the resin mirrors but you have to make the mount. I used Albion Alloys NST05 tubing.9
November 30, 2019Voyager PE and brass barrel helped out the .50cal.10
November 30, 2019The directions were incorrect for the seatbelts. I cut off the buckle and used masking tape for the belts. I need to do some weathering on the seats before they go in the vehicle.11
November 30, 2019I'll dirty up the inside before I put the windows in.
1 17 November 2019, 20:31