"The Twin Mills at Deer Creek"
4 20 November 2019, 09:28

unglaublich, dass es 1/87 ist. Sagenhafte Bilder!
Incredible Pictures and that it is in 1/87scale!
30 April 2020, 09:43

Thank you so much! This kit makes lot of fun .... something different 🙂
6 May 2020, 09:03

Wow....very cool....the process of taking all that resin and making this art was great to watch.
6 May 2020, 12:32

Man, Michael..your stuff is always a pleasure to look at.. Your miniature buildings landscapes and so on are really top notch....
8 May 2020, 13:45

Michael, i would be happy, if you write some notes to the pictures, what kind of stuff you used. especially for the water.
What is planed with the water next? till now the wood i "fliying" :-D and the water looks toooo silent, flat without any waves. That is a interesting, upcoming part!
19 May 2020, 13:11

Hi Dominik, This is the first layer of water poured inside the pond. Totally I will need a depth of approx. 25mm ... this are about 8mm. It is clear resin mixed with a few drops of Valleyo German Green/Grey. The logs are glued on small pillars so that the center of the logs is always at approx. 25mm - so that the logs will be half way in the water in the end. I will apply several further layers of clear resin after the first one is completely dry. Each layer with a bit less paint inside so that the last layer will be nearly clear without any paint. After the final layer is dry I will add the wavy surface with acrylic gel which is drying clear in the end ... That's my plan 🙂 Hope that it will work 🙂
19 May 2020, 13:36

it is looking simply amazing!!! what a master piece, and it is not yet finished!
19 May 2020, 20:43

Ich bin begeistert. So viele Details und dann in dem Maßstab. Der Look des Holzes und die winzigen Bleche fürs Dach... genial!
20 May 2020, 06:42

Thank you very much - Danke Euch!
Macht auch einen riesen Spaß der Kit ... mal schauen, was als nächstes für einer kommt 🙂
20 May 2020, 13:15

Many thanks Michael. Sound really good!
Herzlcihen Dank für Deine ausgiebige Antwort. Bin gespannt! Das ist total irre, das dio! Super Teil
20 May 2020, 20:45

Awesome scratch and painting job. Fantastic build. It could be very well integrated into a diorama for electric trains.
Very nice scene. Congrats!
26 May 2020, 18:46

Many thanks @all! @ Cuajete: The rails are here ... so yes, it would be an option 🙂 But you will need a lot of space do add more railroads to it 🙂
5 June 2020, 13:10

Outstanding Work!! looks like the one that was close to my home about 45 years ago! I build N and HO Trains; and this would be a Center piece for sure!
Did you base this work on a photo?
23 June 2020, 12:29

Wow, Just WOW.
OK, I get how you would plan the build of the structure and the Diorama, but all the equipment, stock, tools, logs and all the hundreds (Thousands?) of little detail pieces?
It looks like you assembled all of the detail parts first, how do you even begin to work out how much you need, or do you just over-do it and put any excess in the stash? Seems I would find the need for the detail parts as I went, which makes for a long build.
28 June 2020, 03:36

Many thanks at all! I have built structure by structure, then added the interior to each structure before adding its roof. All the small parts are made of resin or white metal and primed with a spray can in brown (wood) or rust (metal), then all small stuff painted at once in many different colors .... then weathered with chalks and alcohol .... then placed all around the scenery 🙂
30 June 2020, 13:07