04 - Painting the Sd.Kfz.234/2 PUMA
March 28, 2020Primer in Spray straight the can, I don't pass for the airbrush!2
March 28, 20203
March 28, 20204
March 28, 20205
March 28, 20206
March 28, 2020Dunkelgelb base ready! the color temperature has changed in the photos here it is darker and yellowish than it really was!7
March 28, 2020and here more greener8
March 28, 20209
March 28, 202010
March 28, 2020anyone who knows me knows that I am not one of Ammo's biggest paint fans, but this time I wanted to give them another chance to try to prove their worth!11
March 28, 2020camouflage ready12
March 28, 202013
March 28, 202014
March 28, 202015
March 28, 202016
March 28, 202017
March 28, 20202k automotive glossy clear coat18
March 28, 2020begin the pilgrimage to place the old Cartograf decals! it was thicker than the curb painting on the street!19
March 28, 202020
March 28, 202021
March 28, 2020this turret has more decal softener than in the bottle! hahahahaah22
March 28, 2020I love Italeri kits, but I hate the old decals!23
March 28, 2020seal everything again in shiny varnish and get ready for the wash!24
March 28, 2020first wash layer on the tower and remembered that I had forgotten to do the weathering before!25
March 28, 2020let's start the wash!!26
March 28, 2020chipping...27
March 28, 2020sponge scratches28
March 28, 2020after using the sponge, I clean a part with a toothpick and apply the wash layer!29
March 28, 2020Hans's workshop, here your vehicle looks brand new like you've never seen it! see this fantastic before and after!30
March 28, 202031
March 28, 2020upper hull parts already with the weathering finished!32
March 28, 202033
March 28, 202034
March 28, 202035
March 28, 202036
March 28, 202037
March 28, 2020each gallon painted with a color tone to be more interesting and not the same!38
March 28, 2020vallejo primer Dunkelgrau used as black tire! it is my choice, that in the end I like the result!39
March 28, 202040
March 28, 2020Automotive ultra matte clear coat41
March 28, 202042
March 28, 202043
March 28, 202044
March 28, 202045
March 28, 2020let's start painting the woods on the tools46
March 28, 202047
March 28, 2020scratches made with Hobby Color steel paint48
March 28, 202049
March 28, 202050
March 28, 202051
March 28, 202052
March 28, 202053
March 28, 2020after all the timbers were ready, i remembered that neither the cannon cleaning rods nor the manual start lever had been fitted!54
March 28, 2020cannon rod painting completed55
March 28, 2020starting the weathering in the lower hull and the bottom of the chassis!56
March 28, 202057
March 28, 2020let's start dirt on the tires!58
March 28, 2020applying pigments to the tires!59
March 28, 2020apply pigments with brush60
April 2, 2020my child is practically finished, I just need to make some mud stains!61
March 28, 2020then I remove the excess with my finger, wearing it where I want to leave it more '' clean ''62
March 28, 202063
March 28, 2020and it looks like this in the end!64
April 2, 202065
March 28, 202066
March 28, 2020waxed line with wash67
April 2, 202068
March 28, 2020some details69
March 28, 202070
March 28, 2020
28 March 2020, 02:32
Album info
Sd.Kfz.234/2 PUMA,
4.Pz.Aufkl. / LehrTruppe der Pz.Tr.Schulle Batallion Krampnitz (Wehrmacht),
Normandiy, France.
Summer 1944
137 zdjęć/zdjęcia