Photo 1 of 50
18 26 April 2020, 04:16

It was designed as a courier and quick transport that could convert from pilot only to pilot & passenger. There was only one made and it is still in a museum in Europe. It is a very small model, even for 1:72.
28 November 2020, 16:53

This project has stalled as I am trying to finish 2 other projects at the moment. There are in fact 24 images on this project.
5 December 2020, 18:22

The real thing is kept in the Prague Technical Museum. It was conceived and built for the officials of the "Bata" concern.
I have completed the model some time ago and just want to warn you that the fit of the canopy is really poor (not mentioning that it is overly thick...). I suggest manufacturing the one from thin transparent foil.
5 December 2020, 18:55

I agree with Robert ... I also had problems with the adjustment of the canopy. Also the interior looks distorted looking through it.
5 December 2020, 19:01

Thanks Guys,
I have already taken the canopy into consideration and have trimmed it to adjust. Can't do much about the thickness and distortion, unless I use the original to vac-form as replacement.
6 December 2020, 03:43

That's the best you could do (the other option is to leave it open somehow) taking into account your efforts to reconstruct the interior and the effect of it I find perfect. Myself, I just painted everything appropriately, since not much is visible through this canopy...
6 December 2020, 09:27

I admire the way you have managed with fitting the canopy. Congrats!
14 June 2021, 20:05

Cuajete: Thanks! I used Tamiya TS-30 Silver Leaf with gloss coat.
15 June 2021, 04:33

Robert Podkonski: Thanks for that. I was a bit of work and not proven, yet. We'll see when the masks come of how successful it really was!
15 June 2021, 04:34
Album info
Building the single seat version of this one of a kind aircraft.