Type 61Widoczność: Pokaz slajdów Mozaika Lista 1May 11, 2020 2May 11, 2020 3May 11, 2020 4May 11, 2020 5May 11, 2020 6May 11, 2020 7May 11, 2020 8May 11, 2020 9May 11, 2020 10May 11, 2020 11May 11, 2020 12May 11, 2020 Komentarzy 2 11 May 2020, 14:42Rui SNice work and photos 👍 12 May 2020, 21:49Eelco Gregoire AutorThanx Rui S. It was a fun project, kept this one clean and used it for some filter experiments. 13 May 2020, 09:37AlGreat work, especially the canvas and the tank commander, nailed it! 28 May 2020, 23:44Project infoType 61 Tank12 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:35Gotowe Type 61 陸上自衛隊 (Japan Ground Self-Defense Force 1954-now)10 Tank Bn.m 2 Co. 95-4626Field grey, Flat Eath Wszystkie albumyWyświetl wszystkie albumy »