4 27 June 2020, 09:13

Wow, that's some amazing shading work. I just did a three-color camo and realized that in order for preshading to show, I can no longer just overlay paint. I now paint and mask each section separately.
27 June 2020, 14:10

Thank you Alec.
That is indeed the problem with this way of doing things, every color demarcation has to be precise even before the masking for subsequent ones otherwise all the shading work goes bye bye...
Upside is the camo colors irl are usually (in this case) each others complementary colors so eventually it helps if the paint can be thinned enough.
27 June 2020, 15:00

amazing how did you manage to do so precise preshading ? mine usually looks like a big splash.
27 June 2020, 15:04

Pierre you could use masking tape or post-it note kind of low tack stuff for the straight lines, just aim for the edge of the tape. when doing small panels/sections simply aim inside the tape and "walk" the overspray as you wish. a proper primer helps of course which is tough enough not to get lifted by the tape.
27 June 2020, 15:12

Do you mind if I 'steal' that preshading for an Aleutian P-40? 😉
28 June 2020, 05:44

Patrick fire away a bottle of beer my way and we'll call it even! Thanks a bunch 🙂
28 June 2020, 06:07

Is it a black primer that you oversprayed with white color for the shades? It looks glossy (the black...)
Interesting technique, very impressive result! I've never seen it done this way. Usually it's the other way around (black over grey primer)
28 June 2020, 08:11

Giannis hello, yes gunze 1500 black primer first, followed by flat white. gunze primer when thinned with mr. levelling thinner gets a nice satin finish, it was never as shiny as it was in the photos.
28 June 2020, 08:40

Murad, I've got some Dutch Trappist beers that are worthy of this technique ready for you! 👍
28 June 2020, 15:21