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Michael Franz (elmarriachi)

AC-40-137A Firetruck


21 30 July 2020, 12:10
Tom B.
Oh that´s interesting 🙂 Are you going to do a diorama of the Chernobyl firefighters? Anyway I´m definetly keeping an eye on this 👍
 30 July 2020, 16:58
Nathan Dempsey
I was just looking at this kit earlier today. This is going to be a good one 🙂
 30 July 2020, 18:58
Very impressive and dynamic diorama! Top work! From what I see it´s a good kit. Your dio brings it on my wish list.
 13 August 2020, 09:33
Nathan Dempsey
Wow, that came out great. Such an awesome build! A fine tribute to these doomed heroes.
 13 August 2020, 12:55
Alec K
Top notch work 👍
 13 August 2020, 13:35
Michael Franz Autor
Many thanks @ all!
 14 August 2020, 07:19
how did i miss this beauty before? simply stunning Frank. well, as usual in your dios😉
 9 December 2020, 20:53
Love the build!
 9 December 2020, 21:25
Tom ...
Awesome look and feel to this diorama! Love it.
 2 January 2021, 21:17

Project info

21 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 Chernobyl #2 Fire Fighters (ICM 35902)1:35 ZIL-131 Sagged Wheel Set w/Correct Grill Parts (Def.Model DW35067)

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