Wine, Women & Song - WIP
30 24 September 2020, 10:09

I've started a new project, lovely Eduards Marauder. Several pictures of the cockpit from the begining before all be hidden🙁.
24 September 2020, 10:16

Nice start David. I was too slow to nab one of these, so will watch with jealousy!
24 September 2020, 11:29

@Andy if you want, I can try to find some spare here in Czech Republic. For example here is one, it is in store and costs less than 40EUR.
24 September 2020, 11:52

Added som pictures of empty bomb bay. It fits really well. Going to add some PEs to the fuselage and slightly moving to fuselage completition.
4 October 2020, 13:15

@Aleši, díky. Poprvé jsem vyzkoušel ty muniční pásy a docela to vyšlo. Teda hlavně z dálky to jakž takž vypadá🙂.
5 November 2020, 07:01

Jo vypadají opravdu moc pěkně. Těším se na dokončení. Bude to pěkný kousek 🙂
5 November 2020, 13:29

@Andy, you can see it on the title image (I think it is number 14). I've placed great amount of small 2g weight between bomb bay and cockpit, closer to cockpit and I fixed it with Uschi Flexible Nose Weight (item 4011). It is that black mass behind cockpit.
5 November 2020, 18:47

Thank you guys, but the worst phase is coming. I'm not good in airbrush🙁. I've ruined many kits at the end.
6 November 2020, 05:23

great brassin engines too!, hopefully if you're doing the usual olive drab over grey...the airbrush should be reasonable. Perhaps some preshading will weather-up the colours....and most USAAF's were pretty amenable to a spot of English climate and European combat scuffs.
20 November 2020, 12:35

Thank you mates. And Andy I appreciate your useful tips. Just finished my first preshading😉, I'll post some pictures during weekend.
20 November 2020, 18:51

Some new photos, cammo is ready and it stands on its own wheels. Hurah it is not tails sitter but it was close 😉.
6 December 2020, 16:33

Aleši, díky. V tom barvení mám ještě pořád co zlepšovat, ale vyšlo to nakonec asi lépe než jsem čekal.
2 January 2021, 11:21

I like your model 🙂
Only he who does nothing, spoils nothing. The next model will definitely be even better.
27 July 2022, 07:49

Thank you mates, @Ludvík, I am not satisfied with high edges on between colours, my fault during spraying. I've cutted the shapes from masking tape right on the kit and have used to much of colors. More practice needed.
27 July 2022, 12:09

Different rules apply when working with a spray gun than when painting with a brush. There is, of course, a lot of advice in the literature and on the internet. But the best is your own experience. After switching from brush painting to spray gun painting, I made the same mistakes.
27 July 2022, 18:35