Augie AutorSo here's her finish album, all done and pretty.. Surprisingly quick build as well
29 November 2020, 02:50
Clifford KeeslerGreat looking B-17 Augie, looks very mean in her RAF colors. Very well done as always.
29 November 2020, 03:24
Augie AutorThanks Cifford 🙂
29 November 2020, 03:33
Nathan DempseyThat's a real beauty Augie. You weren't kidding about the amount of antennas! Very cool build.
29 November 2020, 05:10
TreehuggerLooks nice with a black tail I think, given the belly is also black.
29 November 2020, 05:52
Augie AutorThanks guys 🙂
29 November 2020, 11:13
Jasper BreurVery nice result! I really like the RAF scheme
29 November 2020, 16:42
Augie AutorThanks guys,
Roland, thats in the to be finished pile.. a monster lol
29 November 2020, 17:19
Augie AutorRoland.. its a monster, but it does come out well.. I just wished I had gone with the black instead of the grey paint for it. Took soo many coats to get a good finish.
29 November 2020, 17:45
playtime 222Oh wow. ECM job. Excellent subject.
29 November 2020, 18:11
Augie AutorThanks playtime 🙂
29 November 2020, 18:20
Guy RumpGreat job, a real triumph 🙂
29 November 2020, 18:51
Augie AutorThanks Guy 🙂 Never knew a RAF B-17 would be so popular.
29 November 2020, 19:31
Michael StewartReally enjoyed watching this one come together. Very nice model Miss!
6 December 2020, 17:33
Augie AutorThanks Michael, tho its not Sir 🙂 Miss is better
6 December 2020, 17:35
Augie AutorNo worries 🙂 thanks for the fix 🙂
6 December 2020, 18:34
Kerry COXA big salute Augie. (Love the oil stains. !) your display area will need it's own house soon. ! 👍
6 December 2020, 18:45
Augie AutorLol thanks Kerry they did come out well, tamiya weathering and some old makeup brushes hehe
6 December 2020, 19:14
David TaylorNice to see one in a different guise Augie.
6 December 2020, 19:15
Augie Autorthanks David 🙂
6 December 2020, 19:24
Clifford KeeslerVery well done Augie, you can be proud of that one.
7 December 2020, 01:05
Augie AutorHehe thanks Clifford 🙂 The O-1 is done too and just started on a Yak-38
7 December 2020, 01:07
Clifford KeeslerYou are leaving me in the dust lassie, are there pictures of the O-1?, that one is on my wish list.
7 December 2020, 01:09
Augie AutorHey Clifford, Yeah there's an album 🙂 Was a surprisingly quick build
7 December 2020, 01:10
Donald Dickson IINice!
And yeah, you are churning them out! LOL
7 December 2020, 01:24
Augie AutorLol thanks Don, I just got lucky 🙂 they went well
7 December 2020, 01:36
James CNicely done Augie and really interesting to see it in an RAF scheme👍
7 December 2020, 17:07
Augie AutorThanks James 😄 much appreciated
7 December 2020, 17:19
Kerry COXSad news folks.
'Right Stuff' Pilot Legend Chuck Yeager Dies at 97
8 December 2020, 06:46
Augie Autorawww man
8 December 2020, 08:41
NeulingImpressive build!👍
8 December 2020, 08:43
Augie AutorThanks Neuling 🙂
8 December 2020, 12:21
Clifford KeeslerR.I.P. Chuck Yeager. Truly was a great airman.
8 December 2020, 22:58
Augie AutorYea defo Clifford
8 December 2020, 23:40
OlivierStrange colour scheme for a FF. Needs some time to get used to it. For me at least.
8 December 2020, 23:51
Augie AutorThanks Olivier, Yea its a strange one but thats why I like it not the usual shiny silver or olive drab.
8 December 2020, 23:57
OlivierI like that, exploring seldom walked paths...
9 December 2020, 00:08
David TaylorThey look good in Coastal Command camo as well.
9 December 2020, 15:22
gorbyThat a real eye-catcher. Excellent result Augie!
9 December 2020, 15:59
Augie AutorThey do indeed David,
Gorby, thank you 😄
9 December 2020, 18:52
Augie AutorThanks Nikolaos 🙂
15 December 2020, 00:33