Biggus Spittus Airfixii
97 24 January 2021, 14:11

I have yet to build a Spit believe it or not.Thinking about a 1/16 rc conversion of a MAN sx44 army truck.
24 January 2021, 22:21

Nice project, will surely watch! Is it actually bigger than the Fiddler? 🙂
24 February 2021, 16:47

Thank you all. Now the outside studio has warmed up, the mojo has returned. So notice is served - back on the polystyrene!
29 March 2021, 16:42

@Slavo, yes this will take the behemoth crown from Fiddler! (Assume I complete it!)
29 March 2021, 16:45

@Augie: "suit-up for the game" need your melons twisting every once in a while....
29 March 2021, 17:19

Oh cheers Guy!! The chocks won't be pulled away for quite some time! I've removed an equal weight of the flash to that of the kit!!
11 April 2021, 19:56

Thanks Spanjaard, I'll update some progress soon. It isn't going to be a walk in the park this one!
12 April 2021, 07:26

Thanks David, appreciate the encouragement....I'm now beginning to try and throw most things at this - just to make the silk purse out of this styrene sow ear
21 April 2021, 18:48

That Merlin is beautiful Andy, the plumbing & extra detailing are perfect, engine paint is spot on 👍
21 April 2021, 19:20

Bless ya's pure fantasy/artist's impression. So long as it looks like a Merlin surrounded by spaghetti, I'm happy!
21 April 2021, 19:40

@David: I've heard it's tricky getting Flt Lt Farquharson-Smyth into his seat and positioned so, no. It'll be open cockpit. Got the Sutton harness to try out
21 April 2021, 20:19

This is one of those kits from my youth,
that I didn't think I'd ever own, but have one in
the stash and watching you build yours Andy.
Of course I'm all in. Watching and learning from
a trailblazer. I have heard it was quite the bugger.
21 April 2021, 23:50

@Peppy: you're not far wrong!, although there is a paradox insofar as the actual coming together of the parts (on dry fit) isn't too bad. The shape, well it looks 'Spitfire' to me too. It's just those tired, of-their-time moulds that means you need to spend so much time on, and the details that are missing.
22 April 2021, 07:58

Hi Andy, about the F-117s I am focused right now on the Su-57 prototype and the Mirage 2000 prototype, but I have plans to at least reset on old Italeri kit with some added details in the armament bay taken from an Academy kit.
22 April 2021, 15:07

After some fiddling I got the pilot to fit with the left arm arm removed, so I sunk a small magnet in the the shoulder socket & a steel pin in to the arm.
I think I had to heat up & bend the right arm in towards the stick which is no bad thing anyway.
It's a bit floppy but it fits, I still like it better without him in it tho! 😉
23 April 2021, 09:50

I've popped by Monkyslut and had a look at your 'Vb - it looks great for having Symington-Fanshawe in the office, I too am going to paint Biggles in this kit and donate it to my mate's young lad.
23 April 2021, 13:15

Ha ha Munkyslut! Don't be too hard on yourself! It's a complicated kit to get right!
23 April 2021, 16:35

Like the engine detail, Andy! The guitar strings look the part for the hoses and pipes.
23 April 2021, 17:10

@Gordon: it's "Air on a G-string" - seriously guitar strings have some uses for those pipes we often see in cockpits and u/carriages
23 April 2021, 19:10

Cheers Alexander! There are some on here whose work inspires us onto making those improvements! 😉
28 April 2021, 20:16

Looking very promising and still seats free?
I surely want one to follow this👍
29 April 2021, 10:08

Big bird - lot´s of things to do 🙂 Lovely playground & it´s quite obvious you´re having your share of fun - great looking details & big parts! 👍
29 April 2021, 16:01

@Slavo: thanks for popping by, appreciate this and you're right, a larger scale means you can try more opportunities- the 'fix kit is of its time - poor by modern standards - but that still makes it all the more challenging. Aspiring to have a different Mark of Spitfire in all the major scales....
2 May 2021, 15:31

@Alex: I've done too much on the 'pit....and hope it will all "pop" when it comes together. Not totally accurate, but that's the attraction of modelling sometimes!
2 May 2021, 15:34

@David: thanks for the comment- I'm channelling 1970s Morpeth Model Shop - I even though of only using Humbrol enamels to paint it with, but I'm going to make it easy on myself !
2 May 2021, 15:39

Thanks for calling in on me Patryk!, it's becoming a bit of a slog at the moment so appreciate those words!
9 May 2021, 16:20

It's looking good Andy, notice you mentioned Morpeth Model shop in the 1970s, mine was Crisps in Ashington (in the 70s) 🙂
9 May 2021, 16:30

@Guy, I guess there was something in the Northumbrian water in the 70s that makes you keep coming back to the hobby! I never knew Ashington had a m/shop, there's a guy in Widdrington that has a great online shop too.
10 May 2021, 13:43

@Gary: it's a testing build, but I think all model makers need to tackle these 'bête noires'!
10 May 2021, 13:46

@Villiers: thank you for the comment, some of it is a flight of fantasy- but looks better than the Airfix's offering
10 May 2021, 13:47

Guy and Andy.Theres another model shop popped up in Morpeth JJ Models in the last couple of Years.The model shop in the arcade in Morpeth was always stuffed to the gunnels with kits.
10 May 2021, 13:50

@David: I remember the smell in the Sanderson Arcade so well, my mum knew the lady who worked there as she worked pretty much opposite the store. The new m/shop is long overdue for the town!
10 May 2021, 13:52

how did you do that my mind is blowen right out of the cockpit i happen to love the spit more than other aircraft and the detail in that thing is definitly on my top 10 detailed spitfire i love the flight control wireing
26 November 2021, 01:29

Wow that a fantastic build!! Great attention to details. I like the wiring.
26 November 2021, 22:25

Great did you get that shadow effect on the walls? Is that with paint or was it done with a wash or a combination. It looks so realistic.
26 November 2021, 23:40

@Lochsa- apologies for the late reply. I undercoat with black, then you can apply the interior green-grey spraying in one certain direction which means you leave the black to dominate (like a shadow) then a bit of panel washing (I mix a little red into black) and finally a bit of a dry brush to highlight any raised surfaces to add depth. I'm sure others do it differently, but they all have a similar result.
13 January 2022, 23:00

@Guillaume @Monkyslut @charlie: apologies for the late acknowledgment- I don't know how I've missed these posts. I appreciate the kind words, I'm resting this just for now, (and, psst…..Airfix have just announced the new tool Mk.IXc so I'll be spending some pocket money on that one)!
13 January 2022, 23:19

Yeah looks interesting! For want of a better phrase, I'm looking forward to seeing the new tool too 😄
16 January 2022, 15:33

looking foward to the new spit dont think i will ever get it so if you make it i will definitly follow the build
27 January 2022, 07:58

@Charlie: I'm pushing this mould/build to it's limits, and I think if I get it right, we may end up with a pretty decent subject. Save your pennies for the IXc, I'm sure it'll be superb!
27 January 2022, 09:51

what did you use did you buy them or did you use bits of marsking tape like i have seen some modelers of YouTube use i am talking about the harnesses
27 January 2022, 17:45

Cheers Guy, I've done a lot to it over the last couple of days, tried my hand with painting decals/roundels-throwing all limited skills at this one!!
27 January 2022, 18:18

@charlie- if you look at the project there's the Sutton Harness from RB Productions- the issue, for me, was no harnesses provided in the kit (unless you had the pilot sitting). At this scale you really need the details of buckles/grommets/quick release accompanying the harness itself. Apparently they were used on many RAF types, so buying a few sets will help if you were to make a Hurricane or Mosquito in this scale !!
27 January 2022, 18:21

Sorry I'm late to the party Andy. Looking great so far. That cockpit really pops with the extras.
2 February 2022, 13:45

Thanks for popping by Gareth. Can't wait to see you tackle the 24th Hellcat?….
2 February 2022, 23:01

I'm a little nervous, it's quite the kit. I need to finish my Little one and my phantom first.
3 February 2022, 02:16

@Gareth: talking of nerves, I'm hoping the masked decals work on this, and that I can sort the mating of the wings to the slight-warped fuselage.....
3 February 2022, 11:35

I've read about the warping and fit issues with the old Spit and Hurricane. Not a regular fill and rub job at the wing for this scale as you want to prevent cracking after the fact. I make my own filler with liquid glue and chopped up sprue then slowly build it up.
3 February 2022, 15:53

Might have to purchase a MK1 now Andy,which will make two for all my years modelling.LOL
3 February 2022, 18:58

Hiya @charlie: all masked and painted (roundels and the fin flashes plus the black-lined walkways)…the rest will be the decals - I'm not that good!!!😂
3 February 2022, 20:11

@David: or wait for the IX? although I have to say I'm enjoying the brutal experience of 1971 and this mould!!!, geometrically it's pretty impressive
3 February 2022, 20:13

OMG Thankyou for this build , I have a vb in the loft which, if I admit, I'm scared to start 😬 , lovely job.
9 February 2022, 18:31

@David H …….. I did a VB couple years back, it's on here. Wasn't even in the same league as Andy's efforts but really enjoyable despite its ancient tooling & appalling fit!
10 February 2022, 12:17

@David H thanks for popping by. I'm so determined to sweat this for what it's worth!, I think if you tried your Vb it would bizarrely reward you!…jump in!…
10 February 2022, 13:30

@Munkyslut a great Vb sir, borrowing from aspects of it!! Roll on IXc ?…
10 February 2022, 13:35

Thanks David and Villiers, I'm sorry about the narration...I wanted this catharsis to warn anyone of trying out this kit....but you know...everyone should have their skills stretched once in a while!
6 July 2022, 11:17

i only have one suggestion... change the teaser from picture one to one of the last ones 😉
6 July 2022, 11:41

Beautiful work so far, Andy 👍
Because of the album's name at first I thought you are building a Spitfire with markings of the Roman Empire. 😄
6 July 2022, 11:53

That's looking so bloody good! Camo is perfecto……. the soft edge & pattern are just bang on! 👍
6 July 2022, 15:30

Cheers Munkyslut, I'll attack the camo some more once I'm satisfied with the fitting of it all.
6 July 2022, 15:48

So much useful info here .. that wing root /scoop join looks … um.. interesting.
6 July 2022, 18:16

Thanks Guy for the explanation! And thanks Peter for viewing both the projects - I have a lot going on at present!!
7 July 2022, 15:54

Maciej, I'm hoping it will be in this century at least! But over the last few days I've got over that mental block of the grind and lack of reward- it's beginning to look better than I thought!
7 July 2022, 20:23

Really nice progress on your Spit Andy. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you will finish quicker than the end of the century..!!?
8 July 2022, 06:19

@Gary: I didn't specify which century!… but I'm aiming for Battle of Britain Day- 11th September -seems apt!
10 July 2022, 05:56

@Sergej I've seen that image before, "Honey, you'll never guess what I bid on and won on eBay?…" hilarious!!
10 July 2022, 05:58

Looks nice! But it really is an old model. Can't wait for the new one! I built all the 1/24 kits so far.
15 July 2022, 13:58

@Wouter, my dad never managed to finish this kit for me in the 1970s, now I understand why. That said it looks impressive in this size. Yep, sucker that I am I have the IX on order too. I've built the 24th Harrier and Hurricane in my time too- alas they are in a land-fill somewhere in the UK….
16 July 2022, 06:49

That's quite a journey, Andy. I admire your perseverance and dedication. Keep it up!
16 July 2022, 07:16

Thanks Robert, "just keep on keepin' on"… (I reckon another 5-10 hours and I'll be home)
16 July 2022, 07:39

I'm all done!! Well ahead of Battle of Britain Day. I will go outside and take some decent photos with my Canon 5D-4, soon.
26 July 2022, 17:28

Excellent result Andy! I would certainly be proud of such a result. Congrats!
26 July 2022, 21:22

You know when we were kids at skool & someone pulled off something so impressive we used to say "ahh….. you jammy git!"? …… that's what you just done 👍
26 July 2022, 23:42

@Patryk, Spanjaard, David T, Guy, Maciej, Robert and Neuling: many thanks for the compliments!
27 July 2022, 12:59

@David H: I'm going to practice my photography skills on this one, it deserves a good lens.
27 July 2022, 13:01

@Munkyslut: I think that was the same in our school! Thanks for your support throughout and at on landing….
27 July 2022, 13:01

Thank-you Michael S, it's still a prominent kit for its time and scale.
27 July 2023, 13:18

Nice work, Andy mate! I walked into this kit, like a virgin, straight from heaven.
Needless to say, it bit me in the ass!
I found the Hurricane, less of a challenge, but the 109, I made work, with me? I'd still love to do the Mustang, however, as a true Brit, I long for the 1/24 Lancaster 100%
28 July 2023, 00:29

@Bozzer: thanks for looking in. It's a real challenge of a kit- no wonder my dad abandoned it in 1974 feeling he'd let his kid down! I've done the 24-HH in 1978, can't remember having any issues with it. I'd love to try the '109. Depending on how much life I have left, I wouldn't mind the 24-Mossie...but so many competing projects in my mind....
28 July 2023, 07:32

Thanks Gary, its easier in bigger scales to play with the finishes, I noted that in my 32nd Bird Dog currently.
Noël: appreciate the visit.
28 July 2023, 07:33

The 109, I put in the wheel wells. The hurricane, you have to build wheels up, or down. Kinda left me feeling deflated? The Mossie, my brother is building. Looks bloody fantastic, r kid 👍
28 July 2023, 20:01

Bozman have you seen the fresh tooling of the big Airfix Spit? It's proper good, I got one for the stash but I'm gonna leave a lot of time free to tackle that.
My version of this pales next to Andy's masterpiece 😜
28 July 2023, 22:26

Munky mate! How's it going, old chap?
Unfortunately, I've not had chance to see the new spit? Being my old man's favourite, no doubt I'll end up, with one? I do fancy a dabble. I did have the Hellcat, but I sold it to my brother, to keep his mind occupied. I was actually thinking about building it for a trailer load? I'm now searching for a 1/25 Sherman, but they're not popular. However, there's a Takom 1/16 version, that's caught my eye? At £155 though, I'm waiting for a lottery win 🙂
29 July 2023, 18:55

@Monkeyslut, thank-you for the comment- I've not seen yours, but anyone who manages it has my admiration!!
@Cortex- thanks for the visit!
29 July 2023, 21:16
Album info
Nostalgia goes to "11" on this build