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Jean Remy Hugou (Jrh13)

Pirate Ship Revell 05605

Photo 1 of 4


4 3 February 2021, 17:41
She's a beauty!
 3 February 2021, 18:54
Jean Remy Hugou Autor
Thanks. This building si very pleasent.
 3 February 2021, 18:57
I'm not sure I would have the patience to do the rigging though..
 3 February 2021, 19:05
Jean Remy Hugou Autor
All this boat need time ... 1/72 is bigger with a lot of details, painting and weathering
 3 February 2021, 19:42
Stefan Schacht
very nice, I take a seat.
 3 February 2021, 19:56

Album info

Pirate ship at the benchwork. Beginning in august 2020

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