modelarska baza danych | zarządzanie magazynem
Dom S. (fordi87)

Sd.Kfz. 253 le Beob.Pz.Wg.


23 4 February 2021, 15:02
Dom S. Autor
Thx 🙏
 18 July 2023, 14:13
Rui S
Great 👍 deserves a nice base.
 22 July 2023, 13:39
Christoph Kunz
Klärchen has taken a bath in the mud. 👍
And like Rui S i'm hoping for a base.
 22 July 2023, 14:44
Dom S. Autor
Thx mates! I can't build that many dioramas, and the space.....😅😉
 27 July 2023, 10:39
Simon Nagorsnik
Great! 👏👏
 27 July 2023, 10:51
Mathias Decommere
There is always space for a good diorama 😇
 27 July 2023, 10:51
Dom S. Autor
Thx Simon !!
 28 July 2023, 18:37
Dom S. Autor
@Mathias it would be nice …😉
 28 July 2023, 18:38

Album info

1.Stug.Abt.197, Krim 1942

10 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 Sd.Kfz. 253 le Beob.Pz.Wg. (Dragon 6140)

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