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Dejan Lukic (lud13)

Messerschmitt Bf109G-10 YAF

Photo 1 of 16


17 25 February 2021, 17:35
Perfect build and presentation! Great modelling!
 26 February 2021, 11:37
Jan Peters
Very nice work and an unusual subject too.
 26 February 2021, 12:58
Dejan Lukic Autor
Thx guys
 26 February 2021, 18:07
Rui S
I agree with everyone. Very diferent scheme, also 👍
 26 February 2021, 18:45
Dejan Lukic Autor
Thx for your kind words
 27 February 2021, 09:41
Thomas Bischoff
Very clean work and interesting Camo.
 27 February 2021, 20:59

Project info

16 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:32 Messerschmitt Bf109G-10 (Hasegawa 08072)1:32 Gustavs (Lift Here Decals 317-LH)
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10
YU Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (Yugoslav Air Force 1945-1992)
83.LAP White 45 Ko napadne nasu zemlju u njoj ce naci svoju smrt (Kap Franc Rupnik)
Październik 1950 - Pula
FS35450 FS35237 FS30117

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