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Angel Yovtshev (ayovtshev)

60 cm Flakscheinwerfer 36


12 23 March 2021, 21:40
Alec K
Marvelous! Taking a seat 👍
 24 March 2021, 00:19
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Alex, and welcome😉
The kit is a real gem and superdetailing it is a lot of fun!
 24 March 2021, 08:46
Alec K
Your builds are always a joy to follow 👍
 24 March 2021, 14:29
Joerg R.
Hurray a new model made by Angel👍👍 looking forward to follow
 24 March 2021, 19:03
That was quick.
 24 March 2021, 19:56
Angel Yovtshev Autor
Thanks Alec and Joerg!
Yes Olly, not more than 30 hours in the last 12 months-thanks mate!
 24 March 2021, 21:31

Project info

12 zdjęć/zdjęcia
W trakcie
1:35 Flakscheinwerfer (AFV Club AF35125)

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