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Johan van Meerloo (roarex)

HP Hampden

Photo 1 of 66


10 4 April 2021, 20:48
Gordon Sørensen
Nice job on the Hampden, Johan. I have this kit and the Valom TB conversion to do someday...
 18 April 2021, 21:29
Johan van Meerloo Autor
it is fun, almost done, only needs serial and matt varnish now
 18 April 2021, 21:46
Johan van Meerloo Autor
although make sure you put the cannopies in when the pva is still wet of the guns, otherwise you wont be able to fit it with the gunner in place in the nose and belly turret
 18 April 2021, 21:46
David Taylor
Nice scheme Johan.
 30 April 2021, 14:38
Johan van Meerloo Autor
yeah love coastal command, some more are on the to do list, just started one, and after kingfisher and AB204 are done will start another one! but thats deffinately not the end of my coastal command builds
 30 April 2021, 14:48
Guy Rump
Lovely build 👍
 2 May 2021, 09:29
Nice Hampden !
Are you a Coastal Command fan ?
 2 May 2021, 09:34
Johan van Meerloo Autor
Yes!, how could you tell?
 2 May 2021, 09:41
Andy Ball
Great Coastal Hampton!
 2 May 2021, 22:09
Johan van Meerloo Autor
was fun to make, was a little disapointed that they didnt fly with that normal cammo top with coastal command, hence the all ocean grey top.
 2 May 2021, 22:26
Ben M
The fish clips in photo 12 make me happy.
 2 May 2021, 22:49

Project info

66 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 Handley Page Hampden (Airfix 04011)

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