Kaiserbaracke Crossroads progressWidoczność: Pokaz slajdów Mozaika Lista 1June 14, 2021Starting with the Schwimmwagen 2June 14, 2021Test fitting the tires and other bits 3June 14, 2021Most of the PE fitted to the low of half. Now to begin the top 4June 15, 2021Test fitting the figures 5June 15, 2021Getting closer to glueing this thing together. Most of the PE parts are on. Just need to sort a few more things before then. 6June 16, 2021Both halves now glued and just need to fiddle with the strap holding the rear prop up. 7June 17, 2021Test fitting some of the stowage. Just a few more photo etched parts and ready for paint. 8June 26, 2021Primed black then a bit of pre shading 9June 26, 2021First layer before applying chipping medium 10June 26, 2021Camo colors laid down 11June 26, 2021 12June 26, 2021 13June 26, 2021 14June 26, 2021Oil washed and some dot filtering 15June 26, 2021Mud applied and wheels on 16June 26, 2021More of the mud and splatter 17June 27, 2021Duffle bag 18June 27, 2021Hard to see. But added some markings to the crate. 19June 27, 2021Most of the stowage in place. Added some lucky strikes along with the magazine and map case. More random stowage to go in the floorboards. 20June 28, 2021Driver is complete. Just need to do a few other things as well as paint the steering wheel before he's permanently affixed 21July 1, 2021Jagdpanzer IV up next 22July 1, 2021Most of the lower hull is complete. Just need to do some more PE work 23July 1, 2021 24July 2, 2021Starting to look like a tank. Wheels are just temporarily on as is the upper hull. 25July 2, 2021Some of the rear detail. 26July 4, 2021Empty gun cleaning brackets applied and most of the grab handles. Komentarzy 10 14 June 2021, 22:01Bruce HuxtableLooking neat. More to come... 16 June 2021, 21:57Michael OsadciwAwesome. The wet mud looks great! 26 June 2021, 23:40David AutorThanks guys! Still loads more to come ? 27 June 2021, 06:21Bruce HuxtableLooking better and better! 27 June 2021, 07:37Project infoKaiserbaracke Crossroads Diorama26 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:35W trakcie10+Wszystkie albumyWyświetl wszystkie albumy »