Tamiya Mosquito
25 2 July 2021, 00:53

Thank you both. I didn't planned to add anything to the interior both as soon as I glued the first wire I got really into it and ended up playing with styrene until late in the evening.
4 July 2021, 12:03

Great work so far; I agree with Nathan - Mosquitos are fantastic aircraft. I am fortunate to live near a museum that houses KA114 and it is a treat to see them fly her on a regular basis.
10 July 2021, 15:41

Thank you both.
John If you are talking about the Military Aviation museum in Virginia, I recall also seeing a lot of F-18 in Virginia Beach. Quite a fun place 🙂
11 July 2021, 02:22

Yes - the best part about that museum is that the majority of their planes are airworthy and they fly them regularly.
11 July 2021, 03:00

I'm almost ready to start to close the cockpit. Really enjoy my new oil paint kit although I still struggle to find the right amount of white spirit.
19 July 2021, 21:11

I have found that unless the surface is absolutely smooth and glossy, I get the best results by putting a layer of white spirits on the area I am going to work on first, then apply the oils. I use a separate brush for pure oil paint and another one dabbed in white spirits for removal. I like working with oils because it is fairly forgiving to mistakes. Great work so far.
19 July 2021, 21:21

I'm done with the assembly & almost ready to paint the camouflage.
26 July 2021, 00:45

Thanks you guys! It's a pretty big piece, I'll have a lot of space to practice oil weathering 🙂
1 August 2021, 01:51

The model had been finished for 2 weeks now, but I was not lucky with the weather. Finally manage to do a final shoot of it.
It the first kit that I have used oil paint to do the weathering. I really enjoy the finished result.
4 September 2021, 17:37

That is a great looking Mossie Guillaume, very well done sir.
5 September 2021, 01:31

Tank you! Indeed it's a great kit to work on. I did needed a bit of putty, but not much.
5 September 2021, 16:39