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Johan van Meerloo (roarex)

current bench

Photo 1 of 7


5 26 July 2021, 20:52
Richard Cheals
Hey Johan, pic 5 looks like my collection of 64 years ago! Keep up the good work 👏👏
 26 February 2022, 14:57
Charlie Spitfire
how many models are your working on a one time i have 10 models waiting for me to build and if i tried to build them like that i would only get the mig 17 with a Skyhawks wings
 28 February 2022, 00:17
Johan van Meerloo Autor
mostely 4-6 depending on size of models.
after this a B17, hurricane and bf109 will enter the bench, doing a group build with fortunes of war modeling discord.gg/npRF2Vbp
 28 February 2022, 07:45

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