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ch hoeltge
Christian Abraham (ch hoeltge)

Imperial Japanese Navy Fighter J7W1 "Shinden"


20 31 July 2021, 20:09
Looking good!
 31 July 2021, 20:47
Jan Peters
Great job, love the chipping
 1 August 2021, 16:29
Cool painting and weathering 👍
 1 August 2021, 17:36
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks guys
 3 August 2021, 09:15
Rui S
Very nice work 👍
 2 July 2022, 16:58
Thomas Mayer
A kit rarely seen build, with a beautiful finish shown here! Very nice!
 2 July 2022, 17:04
Guy Rump
Great model. 👍
 2 July 2022, 17:25
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Great Job👍👍👍👍
 2 July 2022, 19:15
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks guys.
Yes it is indeed an unusual but beautyful plane
 2 July 2022, 20:27

Project info

35 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 J7W1 Shinden (Zoukei-Mura SWS48-01)

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