Photo 1 of 199
33 27 September 2021, 01:21

Following! Had this kit on my radar for quite some time now.
Knowing your MiG-31 this will surely look great once finished.
27 September 2021, 10:49

And in!
One request though: could you maybe put the pics into one project album on this one? Makes it much easier to follow your build steps 🙂 really looking forward to the build, cheers!
27 September 2021, 12:40

This is some very nice progress Kun, especially the painted pilot looks really awesome 👍 also looking forward to the rest of the paintwork 🙂
How do you fix the round metal tube you're using for the display to the square tube inside the model so it doesnt spin?
12 November 2021, 16:39

Thanks for the answer and great progress 👍 Looking forward to the paint job! 🍿
Are those Flankers in Pic 59 yours as well?
This is a really sleek aircraft, wonder whats its range with twin engines and seemingly not much room for fuel
21 January 2022, 19:32

Thank you Daniel and Spanjarrd! The Flankers belong to other modelers. I have a Minibase Su-33 in my stash, it would be my first Flanker in these years. The F-CK-1 does have problems with inner space for fuel, they usually carry large fuel tanks underneath their wings
18 February 2022, 15:38

Got that minibase kit as well, the parts look absolutely incredible - and intimidating😅 just need the courage to start it one day. Maybe we can build them alongside again like the tomcats 🙂
The F-CK-1 has a unique and cool camo, very nicely replicated 👍
22 February 2022, 08:54

@Daniel hope to build the Su-33 soon! The Minibase kit is really complicated!
@WhiteGlint Thank you!
@Alexander Thank you!
28 February 2022, 13:37

The outside pictures look really nice and add to the model - you should do that again once your finished. 👍
28 February 2022, 13:59

Very appealing display of the fighter. Seems to be on landing approach.
Just awesome! 👍
8 March 2022, 08:02

@WhiteGlint @Vincent thank you! now that aircraft is complete. I am working on the display base.
9 March 2022, 14:09