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Eduardo Arguijo (seth9229)

T-62A - old tamiya 1/35

Photo 1 of 14


19 30 September 2021, 18:48
Alex Rodionov
Very realistic and great done.
 30 September 2021, 19:14
Mark K
Yes indeed!
 30 September 2021, 19:55
Villiers de Vos
I agree as well, the paint scheme is very realistic, including the chipping.
 30 September 2021, 19:57
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Alex, Mark, Villiers, thanks for your kind words! 😁👍
 1 October 2021, 04:39
Simon Nagorsnik
i agree with the other, it looks quite realistic
the chipping effects fits very well- good job!
 1 October 2021, 05:42
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank you simon, glad you liked it!
 1 October 2021, 13:42
Rui S
Great Work 👍
 2 October 2021, 14:11
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thank yoy Rui!
 2 October 2021, 15:24
looks amazing!
 2 October 2021, 17:41
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thanks you Cortex
 2 October 2021, 20:36

Album info

I added the PE from eduard, metal barrel and miniart traks.

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