Dutch Model 339C
Photo 1 of 21
20 31 October 2021, 22:56

I got the fuselage together. It required some filling and sanding, but not too bad for a kit of this era. I had to fill in the AIrfix logo on the inside of the wing as this would have shown through the wheel well.
16 November 2021, 22:56

I cut the original navel tail cone off and fitted a model 339 tail cone. This was intended for a Hasegawa kit, but with enough cutting, filing, putty and sanding I got it to fit. I also glued the upper and lower wings together and puttied the seams.
21 November 2021, 19:52

The first kit I got of the F2F was by Revell. After reading this article; modelingmadness.com/../us/usn/bakerf2a.htm , I decided to get the Airfix kit and use some of the Revell parts. The Airfix cowling is too short. The Revell is closer to scale. The Revell cowling is a good fit up and down, but is noticeably wider. It would only be attached at the top and bottom. I cut the Airfix cowling down and made it into an adaptor ring. The scale drawings show that the cowling is bulged and tapers back toward the fuselage. So, I trimmed and sanded the Revell cowl so that it would fit the fuselage better. I got the wings and tail glued on. It's beginning to look like an airplane now.
5 December 2021, 19:33

This model has been delayed two months, first by a cold, then the holidays, Covid and a hospital stay. But I have started work on it. I have painted the underside aluminum and masked off the bottom. I have got the first coat of green on. Next will be to mask that off and apply olive drab.
6 February 2022, 20:34

I just about got this plane painted. I just need to spray the landing gear. I made the roll bar out of wire. Next, is gloss coat and decals.
18 April 2022, 15:19
Album info
I have decided to end the year with this kit. I had started it at the same time as the B-10, but the bomber took so much work that I set the fighter aside. I have begun to modify a Pavla interior kit to fit this model. I have got some detail parts to go with it, wheels, the correct tail cone and a Quick Boost engine. It will be done in the same Dutch camo as the B-10. The Glen Martin will have a little friend!