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Eduardo Arguijo (seth9229)

Nagmachon Tiger Models 1/35

Photo 1 of 23


17 29 November 2021, 03:36
Michael Kohl
very well done.
 29 November 2021, 08:58
Indeed. An inspiring build.
 29 November 2021, 10:38
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
thanks guys, very kind words! I am glad you liked it. the hole paint and weather process took 15 days more or less working a couple of hours a day. It was fun to build.
 29 November 2021, 16:23
Zach Wilson
Excellent work, great attention to detail.
 29 November 2021, 17:11
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
thank you Zach!
 30 November 2021, 01:26
beautiful job. looks impressive
 30 November 2021, 08:54
Simon Nagorsnik
That's a really good work, mate!
Nice chipping and weathering effects!
 30 November 2021, 09:10
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
thank you both, kind words.
 30 November 2021, 16:16
Rui S
Excellent work great weathering 👍
 11 December 2021, 01:48
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
Thanks rui!
 11 December 2021, 17:36
Villiers de Vos
All those intricate work masterfully done.
 12 December 2021, 03:28
Eduardo Arguijo Autor
thanks Villiers de Vos!
 13 December 2021, 04:21

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