Gloster Sea Gladiator, Malta, Gallery
Photo 1 of 19
154 12 December 2021, 18:45

Bernd is right, no way is this 1/72 ! 😄 incredible depth in detail and a superrealistic looking paintjob !
12 December 2021, 19:36

I am simply speechless... Absolutely amazing it is! Congrats!
12 December 2021, 20:04

I can click around the whole album multiple times - always new things to discover. That model is sooo great in all aspects of modeling 👍
One question: What was the background for this half white/black lower surface?
12 December 2021, 20:31

really beautiful!!! I have read all the comment in your pictures, very informative, thank a lot!!!
12 December 2021, 20:32
Great work Alec. Stunning build and paint job
12 December 2021, 21:00

Thanks very much for your kind comments guys, it means a lot.
Bugs: black and white undersides were a ground recognition aid, Martin posted a link above to a nice discussion with detailed info (thanks much Martin 👍 ). I think that Germany used a similar method later in WWII (one lower wing painted black).
12 December 2021, 21:36

Just fantastic. Nothing to fault. Everything to admire! Lovely to behold. Bravo Alec!
12 December 2021, 23:11

I started looking at the pictures without having noted the scale. I was pretty certain this was 1:48 or higher as I viewed the images. Amazing detail job 👍
13 December 2021, 05:32

Alec: "are your sure" that this is really 1:72?🙂 looks like excellent 1:48 l work!!
13 December 2021, 07:31

That's one nice Gladiator Alec. Really nice details. Top Job Sir.
13 December 2021, 07:41

Not a fan of the stripped builds in general, but I have to repeat what I wrote in the WiP topic: it's pure modelling p*rn, hats off 👍
13 December 2021, 09:03

I've missed this somehow, Incredible detail in this small scale,my hat is off for you sir
13 December 2021, 10:14

Truly, that's just awesome!!
congratulations and my respect for it👏
13 December 2021, 12:08

At the first look I was thinking this is 1:32 scale 😁 Your work is amazing. You seem to have the eye of an eagle and the patience of an elephant 😊👍
13 December 2021, 20:26

it will be great even in 1/32. the fact that it is 1/72 is simply stunning. what a great job
13 December 2021, 21:19

I'm going to have to start calling you « Mister K » and tell everyone I know you… unbelievable work again!
14 December 2021, 04:24

I guess there is nothing I can say that you don't know already ... this is absolute masterclass modeling.
16 December 2021, 22:13

Thanks guys. I made too many mistakes on this one to be called masterclass, but I am glad you think so 🙂. Cheers!
17 December 2021, 00:30

In this case, modesty is useless. Mistakes are important. Without mistakes, there would be nothing to improve. Minor shortcomings are such a modeling syndrome. I think we all know that. Because you built the model, you know all its minor flaws and shortcomings. It worries us, but these are mostly negligible details that others won't even notice.
17 December 2021, 13:40

This is totally insane ! When I first saw the pic, I was thinking it's a 1/32 model
17 December 2021, 14:45

I agree with Ludvík. Whatever flaws there may be, they're rendered completely invisible by the majesty of the build overall. Alec's ability to build a plane with the guts showing is hugely impressive.
17 December 2021, 15:54

I concur with everybody's amazement... my jaw is still on the table, so I can't say much more !
10 January 2022, 19:40

Alec a question if I may: how do you manage to fasten those wires so neatly without any cement being visible? No matter how small amount I am trying to use, I always get a bit of spillage around the cemented part because of the liquid's surface tension.
12 January 2022, 06:51

Hi Thomas - I use thin CA to attach the wires into pre-drilled holes about 1mm deep. I use a sowing needle with eye snipped I half with pliers as applicator. If too much glue gets on the model, I wick it off with small cotton q-tip. I make sure I use fresh CA, as it tends to thicken with age (I keep mine in a fridge when not in use). Cheers 👍
13 January 2022, 04:01

the fridge tip seems to be a good one too. I will try that.
Apart from that: whenever this Gladiator pops up, it is a pleasure to delve into all the details again.
13 January 2022, 07:46

Yeah, the CA refrigeration is a key to extending its shelf life. I learned that when I worked in a hobby shop years ago. The thin stuff lasts almost a year this way, although I am sure that different brands will wary. Once it gets thicker, I rebrand it as gap-filling 😉 😄
I thought this was pretty common knowledge, but apparently not. But then I never heard about the lead/CA model exploding phenomenon (see Thomas's recent WIP). Sorta like the palm exploding heart technique 😄
13 January 2022, 13:26

I learned the ÇA in the fridge technique from my wife a few years ago, but I didn't know about that before either. On the other hand, I've seen that report on lead/CA before and it made me switch to using white glue to anchor any nose weight.
13 January 2022, 14:41

I've had white glue break free over time 🙁 so my current approach is to use milliput to attach nose weights. I wonder if all my models will explode in a few years...
13 January 2022, 19:54

Thank you for the tip with the CA glue. 🙂
I fear the same, Ben. I used lead and CA glue on some of them because I did not know. Some time ago I also switched to Milliput or here and there I am using steel counterbalance weights on adhesive tape you use for tyres.
13 January 2022, 20:12

I'm having difficulty believing what I'm seeing Alec! That would be a staggering achievement for 1/32.
I'm off to see the 'making off' thread.
20 February 2022, 15:14

this has got to be in the top-of-top builds on here....out.standing.
21 February 2022, 17:26

One of the finest models I've ever seen, one can feel the love for aviation in every picture.
21 February 2022, 18:28

Thank you all for your positive and encouraging comments. I think that if one is willing to invest time and effort into a build, good things happen. And of course, practice, practice, practice 🙂
22 February 2022, 12:50

What the f*ck? This is by far the most impressive 1:72 build I have seen in a long time. How long did it take you to make this? Incredible! I wish I had half the tools you have and a quarter of your talent. It would be a big improvement. Amazing absolutely amazing!
21 April 2023, 23:18

Skyhiker, you make me blush! This build is not without its flaws but it turned out pretty well. It took me about 270 hours to complete. Cheers!
22 April 2023, 01:00

Hi Alec, this just popped on my feed and I have to leave you some nice words. This is absolutely incredible! Everything is where it should be, the colors, the details, the weathering, the pictures itself. Great, congratulations to this build. I see you did it in 2021 so no chance for me to see that at this time.
16 February 2024, 12:59

Some models can't pop up too often in the news feed. This is one of it.
16 February 2024, 13:21

Thank you mates. I have forgotten some of the challenges (all self inflicted) associated with this build, so now it's just a pleasant modeling memory.
Michael, there will be some who will disagree with you 😉 😄
17 February 2024, 14:13

💯 with Michael and Spanjaard, massively inspiring work. Never tire of seeing talent like this 👍
17 February 2024, 14:49

This indeed is one of my favorite build on this platform. Always nice to see it again.
17 February 2024, 19:40

If people are bored with seeing the same build they can always 'disable notifications' for it. This is one of the few that I don't do that because it's always a pleasure to see again.
18 February 2024, 08:55
Album info
Here is a link to the build log: Gloster Sea Gladiator, Malta WIP | Album by Pardubak (1:72)