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Johan van Meerloo (roarex)

00 He111

Photo 1 of 45


26 20 December 2021, 18:25
David Taylor
Which one ya doin Johan bombs or torps.
 28 December 2021, 22:31
Johan van Meerloo Autor
torps but its a crappy old kit again this
 28 December 2021, 22:48
David Taylor
We like what we like.Keep it going.
 10 April 2022, 16:34
Johan van Meerloo Autor
like it so far?....
soon I will start the difficult stuff
 10 April 2022, 17:11
great job on the hard camo scheme.
 13 April 2022, 11:04
Johan van Meerloo Autor
thankyou still need to tune up all but its going okay
 13 April 2022, 12:34
David Taylor
Really good camo,thumbs up.
 13 April 2022, 13:13
Johan van Meerloo Autor
 14 April 2022, 04:58
David Taylor
 25 April 2022, 19:04
Gary Kitchen
Great camo job, Johan 👍
 30 April 2022, 21:50
Ben M
The camo makes this, nice work, Johan.
 1 May 2022, 00:14
Johan van Meerloo Autor
thank you I hope I can finish most of it today,
 1 May 2022, 07:37

Project info

45 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 Heinkel He 111 H-4/H-6 (Revell 04315)

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