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Marc Le Bayon (Biker_fou)


Photo 1 of 115


19 21 December 2021, 09:52
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work, Marc. Watching with pleasure!
 22 December 2021, 16:17
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Thanks a lot. I hope to ending it for 12/31st
 22 December 2021, 18:01
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Work on turret indise...
 4 January 2022, 17:10
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Turret, sights, hatches & barrels done
Thanks for looking
All the best
 7 January 2022, 22:31
Robert Podkoński
I really admire you talent and skills, Marc. (Recently I tried to recreate the Rammtiger outer armour shell from scratch in 1/72nd...even though it is only few flat panel, it is not easy at all...)
 8 January 2022, 07:17
Simon Nagorsnik
Impressive scratch work!!
Such an accurate job- just fantastic👏
 8 January 2022, 07:19
Marc Le Bayon Autor
I scratch and make Masters from 30+ years.
For me, buliding a injected plastic kit is uncommmon now... 😉
 8 January 2022, 10:12
Marc Le Bayon Autor
First production item of resin cast turret of BMD-4
WIP on lower hull
 12 January 2022, 19:01
Robert Podkoński
That's really impressive!
 12 January 2022, 20:39
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Turret built, and more work on engine deck
Soon on mlbmaquettes.com

Hope you like it
 14 January 2022, 22:27
You are a true modeler!
 15 January 2022, 04:16
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Thanks Cortex.
I'm just a sculptor.
But it's my job from 35+ years now. I'm Military Kit Designer, with a State Diploma since 1992.
 15 January 2022, 12:14
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Crew is ready...
 15 January 2022, 12:15
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Latest update on 1/48 BMD-4 Master
Hope you like it
Thanks for looking
 17 January 2022, 20:43
Michael Kohl
just a sculptor... hm.
Anyway, what you sculpted here is impressive indeed.
 18 January 2022, 13:36
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Thanks Michael
My Mother in Law say I'm not a sculptor...
But she didn't done anything good, except his daughter 😉
I'm at the end of BMD-4 Master.
Soon all will be in silicon molds.
Hope you like it
Thanks for looking
 18 January 2022, 17:46
Marc Le Bayon Autor
WIP of the day on 1/48 BMD-3/4 Master
Hope you like it
Thanks for looking
 19 January 2022, 11:43
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Track and work on sprocket
 19 January 2022, 20:41
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Master of BMD-3 and 4, done.
Rear of lower hull
 20 January 2022, 17:38
Marc Le Bayon Autor
Production model
Ref MLB Maquettes #480605
 24 January 2022, 23:10
Simon Nagorsnik
Truly, amazing work!
 25 January 2022, 05:02
Chapeaux! 🎩
 25 January 2022, 09:14
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Admirable work, Marc. 👍
 25 January 2022, 11:15
Marc Le Bayon Autor
latest update
 27 January 2022, 18:12
 28 January 2022, 23:15

Album info

1/48 scales
For MLB Maquettes

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