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Zach Wilson (howdyzach)

Noodle Shop


61 25 February 2022, 04:06
Zach Wilson Autor
 25 February 2022, 04:07
Ben M
What an amazing idea!!
 25 February 2022, 04:58
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very creative. 😄 Watching! 👀
 25 February 2022, 08:15
Alec K
Cool 👍
 25 February 2022, 12:31
crazy use of a crazy kit. i love it!!
 25 February 2022, 12:44
Sergej I
Wow... awesome! 👍
 25 February 2022, 14:58
Lol, you bought it 😂💪🏼
 28 February 2022, 21:20
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic idea! 😄
 1 March 2022, 07:02
Something different foe sure lol
 7 March 2022, 16:07
Zach Wilson Autor
continuing to build out the components of this, started breaking out the 3d printer to get some assets I wasn't able to scratch. Also am switching the wood rails on the outside with chains cause I didn't like the look. I might change the interior rails as well but I am going to lay on a coat of primer first and see where it sits first.
 12 March 2022, 22:32
Ben M
Really enjoying this
 12 March 2022, 23:16
 14 March 2022, 02:08
Zach Wilson Autor
these builds with a lot of scratch components have this middle doldrum where I am trying stuff out to see what works, and swapping elements in and out and not really making a lot of concrete progress, looking forward to the moment where it all comes together.
 23 March 2022, 03:24
Ben M
I know what you mean. A lot of my builds get aimless for a while, especially if they get complicated. My oldest daughter built this kit. It's so well engineered and how do they even do multicolored sprues????
 23 March 2022, 03:31
Zach Wilson Autor
The bandai people are engineering wizards, everything is so perfect.
 23 March 2022, 12:40
Łukasz Gliński
What an incredible idea! 👍
 23 March 2022, 12:43
Dominik Weitzer
better and better it gets. like the idea around the noodlecup!
 23 March 2022, 15:48
Zach Wilson Autor
Starting to get to the point where I am getting confident about maybe pouring resin soon. It's always nice to see things come together when the paint goes on.
 28 March 2022, 01:20
Alec K
It's looking awesome (y(
 28 March 2022, 13:16
Zach Wilson Autor
made some koi fish, made a mold of ramen noodles lol, and started pourin that resin
 20 April 2022, 00:31
Ben M
Oh man, thanks for the update! It's looking great.
 20 April 2022, 02:24
Zach Wilson Autor
Project complete
 14 May 2022, 20:36
Simon Nagorsnik
Awesome idea!!
I don't know what i should say about it- just stunning😲
 14 May 2022, 20:43
Sergej I
Just awesome! Please post more pics Zach. 👍
 14 May 2022, 20:46
Wow, just fantastic result
 14 May 2022, 20:52
Robin (WhiteGlint)
This is simply amazing! Very creative! 👍
 14 May 2022, 21:08
Łukasz Gliński
Utterly cool, deserves more pics indeed 👍
 14 May 2022, 21:18
Ben M
Oh my gosh this is amazing, Zach!
 14 May 2022, 23:34
And so it's done. Great great job !!!
 14 May 2022, 23:36
Zach Wilson Autor
thank you so much all
 15 May 2022, 00:08
Robert Podkoński
Fabulous!...and very inspiring!
 15 May 2022, 06:58
Simon Nagorsnik
Every time I see this I have to grin😁
Thanks for that Zach!
 15 May 2022, 07:11
Enjoy your meal! And this little work of art ........... 👍
 15 May 2022, 09:12
Bobby Thumbs
amazing work !! - such an inspiration
 15 May 2022, 09:18
Alec K
Very well done 👍
 15 May 2022, 12:00
Marcin Dudek
A masterpiece 👍
 15 May 2022, 13:08
Jörg Schäfer
Wow, it is small, but great.
 17 May 2022, 02:44
Ben M
Not too small.. the cup noodles are the size of a container of cup noodles!
 17 May 2022, 04:17
Lochsa River
How kul iz this?
 17 May 2022, 04:42
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic dio, Zach 👍
 17 May 2022, 05:13
Zach Wilson Autor
"Small but Great" is the unofficial motto of scalemates
 17 May 2022, 13:56
Jörg Schäfer
 17 May 2022, 14:01
Greg Baker
 17 May 2022, 14:04
Nathan Dempsey
Always really cool ideas along with beautiful execution with your builds Zach.
 17 May 2022, 14:53
this made my day 🙂
 17 May 2022, 15:42
Michael Kohl
I saw the start of this and then lost track of it. I am absolutly excited how this turned out. Original idea turned into a great scene. I´d appreciate more pics of it. Just cool.
 17 May 2022, 18:56

Project info

44 zdjęć/zdjęcia
W trakcie
1:1 Cup Noodle (Bandai Spirits 5060591)

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