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Marcin Dudek (Mopanek)

F86F Sabre "Korean War"


51 28 March 2022, 18:27
Robert Podkoński
Great! Watching with interest! (contrary to your cat 😄 )
 28 March 2022, 19:02
Urban Gardini
Your Moggy is indifferent to your suffering. My Moggy sends his regard with "keep it up, you're ignoring your slave perfectly!"...
 28 March 2022, 19:06
David Taylor
Combine the two and make a Sabre tooth.
 28 March 2022, 21:32
 28 March 2022, 22:58
Marcin Dudek Autor
Thanks mates! Hopefully next time I will be more lucky... 🙂
 29 March 2022, 09:37
 29 March 2022, 19:15
Richard Cheals
That's a very original dio - extremely lifelike feline!! 😉
 3 April 2022, 09:51
Łukasz Gliński
Following too 👍
 13 April 2022, 12:36
Marcin Dudek Autor
You're welcome!
 13 April 2022, 13:11
Villiers de Vos
A beautiful metal effect.
 17 April 2022, 16:44
Robert Podkoński
Looks promising.
 17 April 2022, 17:38
Marcin Dudek Autor
Thank you mates!
 18 April 2022, 10:30
Robert Podkoński
Looks great already. Fantastic work on this NMF, Marcin.
 15 May 2022, 18:17
Marcin Dudek Autor
Thanks Robert 🙂. It took a lot of effort but it was worth it.
 16 May 2022, 05:49
Robert Podkoński
Surely it was. I am impressed that you managed not to lift the paint with masking. Which paints did you use?
 16 May 2022, 06:38
Beautiful results, and gorgeous companion
 16 May 2022, 06:45
Marcin Dudek Autor
I damaged the metalic paint layer on the clear parts ( it is not visible on the pictures, it happened afyer I took the photo) but suprisingly it was not fault of masking tape. I used Tamiya black paint as primer and Gunze metalic paints (steel and aluminium) for final effect. It was first time I checked their metalics and I am more than satisfied. For clear parts I used maskol and while removing it some paint at the edges was ripped too - nothing that a small brush and a drop of paint can't fix 😉.
Thank You mate!
 16 May 2022, 11:13
Łukasz Gliński
You mean the SM Gunze paints? Or the MC ones?
I find the SMs really great and easy to handle.
 16 May 2022, 11:23
Marcin Dudek Autor
Hobby Color, to be honest 😉.
 16 May 2022, 17:26
Simon Nagorsnik
Good work 👍
Like the different panels!
Nicedecal work and presentation
 22 May 2022, 07:50
Łukasz Gliński
Very neat finish 👍
 22 May 2022, 07:54
Marcin Dudek Autor
Thank You mates! It was my first attempt with nmf - it sure took a lot of time but it was fun.
 22 May 2022, 12:16
Robert Podkoński
Great work, Marcin!
 22 May 2022, 19:47
Thomas Kolb
Beautiful NMF, absolutely marvellous. Great job, although I am sure your cat helped.
 22 May 2022, 22:01
Marcin Dudek Autor
Thank You mates 🙂. My cat did all he could to stop me from finishing this model 😉
 23 May 2022, 04:55
Urban Gardini
That's what cats do in general...
 23 May 2022, 17:34
Michael Kohl
Looking really good
 23 May 2022, 18:10
Of course Urbsn, they are annoyed because their servants are not given the attention they require 😄
 23 May 2022, 19:08
Marcin Dudek Autor
Michael : Thanks 🙂
Urban, Spanjaard: True, true...
 23 May 2022, 19:19

Project info

22 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 F-86F "Korean War" (Academy 12546)

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