István SzücsAs I saw, it's not an easy build- I'll be curious.
27 June 2022, 17:48
Johan van Meerloo Autorthe airfix one Im building at the same time is even worse
27 June 2022, 18:20
Олег ОСобираюсь сделать такой от Hasegawa. Слежу за работой
30 June 2022, 11:16
Michael KohlTranslated with
"I'm going to make one from Hasegawa. I follow the work"
30 June 2022, 15:01
Johan van Meerloo AutorI see I've put the wrong skyraider picture here lol
16 July 2022, 09:59
John BallmanNice work, CAS in full bloom here. Thanks for sharing this.
19 July 2022, 15:56
Andy BallSuper 'nam twin build!?
19 July 2022, 16:25
Johan van Meerloo Autorno its a quad build, together with a HH3 and O-1
19 July 2022, 17:19