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ch hoeltge
Christian Abraham (ch hoeltge)

Hotchkiss H 39 AJAX


12 24 August 2022, 12:14
Rui S
Well done 👍 Looking forward to see the Dio 😎
 27 August 2022, 10:09
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks Rui, there is still something to do, but only small thingies 😄
 27 August 2022, 11:56
Christian Abraham Autor
Got the Dio finished 😄
 11 September 2022, 09:49

Project info

39 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 French light tank Hotchkiss H-39 (Gaso.line GAS50147K)1:48 French Infantry Group 1939-40 (Gaso.line GAS50339)1:48 Chapel with a cross (PlusModel 4036)

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