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El Jevi
Juan M Leria (El Jevi)

Alpha's Yak-6

Photo 1 of 4


14 27 November 2022, 13:28
Very nice result. Good job with the fabric effect and painting job 👍
Enorabuena, Juan! 😉
 27 November 2022, 18:42
Sylvain Vernier
a rarely assembled kit, for an unusual yak. Well done 👍
 27 November 2022, 18:55
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 27 November 2022, 19:22
Moreno Baruffini
Ciao Juan! Really a good job and a very interesting result!
 27 November 2022, 19:32
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely. OOB? I plan to build the ski version one day to look that nice.
Interesting idea with the carving 👍
 27 November 2022, 19:36

Project info

4 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 Jak-6 is a Soviet Light bomber (Alfa )1:72 Skas 7.62mm Guns (Aeroclub G022)

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