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Tom Stuart (Strangiato)

Tempest Mk II 1:48 Eduard

Photo 1 of 6


12 3 January 2023, 14:07
Great build in spite of the decal hassles. What flat do you use? That's a nice dead flat!
 3 January 2023, 15:38
Guy Rump
Very nice build. 👍
 3 January 2023, 18:40
Tom Stuart Autor
John - Don't know if this is how I respond to questions, but here goes... Thank you for the kind words. I use MRP Clear Matte - WELL stirred. Of all I have used over these many years, it provides the best (aka deadest), almost chalky flat I have found.
 4 January 2023, 12:55

Project info

6 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 Tempest Mk.II early version (Eduard 82124)
Hawker Tempest F Mk.II
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)
No. 33 Sqn. 5R-G | MW423
Sierpień 1949 - RAF Changi SG
BS381C:241 BS381C:629 BS381C:637

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