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Andy Ball (Lerxst)

B-26 Marauder


100 2 February 2023, 12:34
Patryk S.
 2 February 2023, 13:55
Robert Podkoński
Me too, of course 😉
 2 February 2023, 14:51
Andy Ball Autor
Ah, cheers fellas!
So far so good.
Good to see you too Zhivko!
 2 February 2023, 16:09
Edward MacKenzie
 2 February 2023, 17:29
Cool subject! 😎
 2 February 2023, 18:41
Maciej Bellos
Watching too!
 2 February 2023, 19:49
Neil Patrick
Great choice of subject Andy. Looking forward to seeing how it comes together. Mine has been on the shelf for 15 years waiting...
 2 February 2023, 20:05
Guy Rump
Following as well. 👍
 2 February 2023, 20:45
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you all for setting up your collective eyeballs. My goodness that's a tough, scrutinising audience! I hope to please.
I've done some more digging about regarding the crew- hence the subtle change of title to Last Ride of Valkyrie. Poignant.
 2 February 2023, 23:08
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Mark and co. for chipping in with the "likes"
 2 February 2023, 23:08
Kyle DeHart
Swinging by for this one too
 3 February 2023, 00:26
Andy Ball Autor
Welcome Kyle, hope I do those boys proud
 3 February 2023, 07:40
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Villiers and mates for 'appreciating'
 3 February 2023, 08:01
Andy Ball Autor
Wow! Thanks Mojo and all for the likes
 3 February 2023, 16:24
Jan Peters
Watching again 🙂
 4 February 2023, 16:03
Andy Ball Autor
I appreciate the patience there Jan! Thanks for checking in!!
 4 February 2023, 16:13
Bernd Grün
Nice start, Andy. Following! 👍
 4 February 2023, 17:55
Pietro De Angelis
Nice project, good job!
 4 February 2023, 19:12
Jan Peters
Patience is a virtue as they say Andy
 4 February 2023, 19:25
Oh! I almost missed this interesting project. Are there still free seats?
 4 February 2023, 20:02
Watching 😎
 6 February 2023, 04:23
Andy Ball Autor
Bernd, Pietro, Jan, Cuajete, thanks for coming along on this ride.
Thanks all for those 'likes' too many to mention-you know who you are! Thanks!!
 6 February 2023, 09:33
 7 February 2023, 15:29
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks AndreasK…did some more work this evening on her. Post some more pics soon….
Thanks for the visit Ian
 7 February 2023, 23:00
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks for popping in Gary and Co.!
 11 February 2023, 08:43
Stefan Schacht
Very nice so fare, countdown me in.
 11 February 2023, 19:30
By not commenting anyone I have not noticed the progress.
Those interiors and invasion stripes looks great, Andy! 👍
 11 February 2023, 21:37
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Frank and many many others for your looking in and liking!
 12 February 2023, 00:05
Ahh that's sweet……… watchin 👍
 12 February 2023, 00:17
Andy Ball Autor
Good to hear from you again Munkyslut!
 12 February 2023, 08:27
Andy Ball Autor
Also!, welcome Stefan and Cuajete- thanks for your observations and comments!!
 12 February 2023, 08:28
Andy Ball Autor
Merci Jean-Louis.
 12 February 2023, 11:39
Bernd Grün
Well researched Andy. Very nice implementation of the weathered colors. Following with interest. 👍
 17 February 2023, 07:48
Michael Kohl
Count me in
 17 February 2023, 08:17
Łukasz Gliński
 17 February 2023, 12:59
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Mona and the many others for giving a 'like'
 17 February 2023, 22:24
Andy Ball Autor
@Bernd: the little research I've done shows quite a number of crews used this plane in its career. I don't know if the USAAF were more prone to these rotations compared to RAF and Luftwaffe procedures. The testament of the veteran in a US shopping mall was equally poignant
 17 February 2023, 22:30
Andy Ball Autor
Hello Michael and my ever-industrious mate Ł!
 17 February 2023, 22:30
Andy Ball Autor
Cheers Daniel!
 17 February 2023, 22:41
Neil Patrick
Hi Andy that bomb bay looks awesome with all your added details. Bomb load to go in or not?
 18 February 2023, 07:08
Łukasz Gliński
Not that much lately A. 😋
Love that faded painting 👍
 18 February 2023, 09:46
Andy Ball Autor
Hello Neil!, full 4 x 1000lb load…to follow…
 18 February 2023, 20:13
Andy Ball Autor
Cheers Ł, I'm loving Tamiya's lacquers
 18 February 2023, 20:14
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Shapke for checking in
 18 February 2023, 22:30
Łukasz Gliński
Lacquers are A., other brands too (e.g. Hataka,you know why, don't you?) 😁
 19 February 2023, 08:25
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Vilmos!
 19 February 2023, 14:19
Andy Ball Autor
If only I could pick them up in the local model shop?, I knew they did acrylics, but not lacquers?….
 19 February 2023, 17:00
Great interiors including the M50, Andy 👌
 19 February 2023, 18:16
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Cuajete and Mark K for the observations!
 19 February 2023, 19:33
Живко Джаков
It's unique. I wouldn't dare paint the outside like that before putting the body together.
 19 February 2023, 21:26
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Jeff
@Zhivko: I gambled on a good fit meaning little after spraying-and the invasion stripes were better done at an early stage of construction- all this I hope to reduce the amount of handling- the wings are pretty tight too - so again can be handled I a prefabricated fashion. Thanks for having a look!
 19 February 2023, 21:47
Andy Ball Autor
thanks Ethan!
 20 February 2023, 13:48
Andy Ball Autor
Dietmar and Co., thanks
 20 February 2023, 21:21
Gary Victory
Nice work Andy. Love the interior details and the painted over D-Day Stripes.
 21 February 2023, 07:10
Andy Ball Autor
Welcome Gary, hope to put some more progress in this week.
 21 February 2023, 07:20
Andy Ball Autor
Hello Oleg O and James, too!
 21 February 2023, 11:06
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Rui, Ponytail4 and others for taking the time…..
 25 February 2023, 13:26
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic details!
 25 February 2023, 13:32
Kyle DeHart
Really looking nice
 25 February 2023, 13:38
Robert Podkoński
Great job so far, Andy. Keep it up!
 25 February 2023, 15:03
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Gustavo, Pietro, Kyle and the ever-talented Robert!
 25 February 2023, 15:59
Robert Podkoński
Not as much talented as you, Andy 😉
 25 February 2023, 16:08
Edward MacKenzie
absolutely amazing... You got skills i never will have! Congrats for this so far!
 25 February 2023, 16:20
Jan Peters
Great progress Andy 👍🏻
 25 February 2023, 16:59
Nathan Dempsey
Following with great interest! These aircraft are well known in my area. I always love the history behind your builds.
 25 February 2023, 17:15
Very nice progress, Andy. Looks great so far 👌
 25 February 2023, 18:50
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you Paul and the 52 other "like'rs"
 25 February 2023, 22:44
Andy Ball Autor
@Edward: thanks for you compliment- but I think you're doing yourself a disservice my friend! I'll keep on plugging away!..
 25 February 2023, 22:45
Andy Ball Autor
@Nathan: I hope we allow a bit of the America we love to shine through on this commerative build. I note you have your own to build in the 'other scale'- good luck with it!
 25 February 2023, 22:47
Andy Ball Autor
@Cuajete, thanks for holding on in this build! See you on the other side of it?!
 25 February 2023, 22:48
Christoph Kunz
"tollerances are excellent" and so is your work
 25 February 2023, 23:29
Patrick Hagelstein
I have to agree with Zhivko, very brave to paint the exterior before gluing the two fuselage halves, but you definitely pulled it off! Kudos to that! 👍
 25 February 2023, 23:59
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks James!
@Christoph - well it helps when your model is great in the first place (same applies to photography I believe 😉😂)
 26 February 2023, 08:28
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Patrick- it was a technique I tried because of those tricky invasion stripes. It does help to build the wings in parallel to the fuselage too- easier handling. My gamble is an easy fix for the wings at the near-end. Appreciate your motivation too!!
 26 February 2023, 08:30
Andy Ball Autor
And thanks to you Shar
 26 February 2023, 08:31
Shar Dipree
Very nice painting. I'm looking forward to the finished model, 👍
 26 February 2023, 08:33
Shar Dipree
I love the B-26 - it´s a beautiful aircraft.
 26 February 2023, 08:33
James C
Looking fantastic and following. 👀 👍

I can't wait for the new ICM kit in 1/48 scale coming out later this year. A newly tooled version is well overdue.
 26 February 2023, 17:52
Andy Ball Autor
@Shar: my pleasure!, I hope to complete in a few days.
@James C: in 48th it will be a treat! This 72nd'r isn't mean on the details. Exterior is crisp, and for me the scale allows more display space as an inevitable compromise
 26 February 2023, 18:27
Живко Джаков
@Andy, the model is becoming more than good. Thanks for sharing your crafting process with us!
 27 February 2023, 12:57
Jan Peters
Getting better and nicer to look at by each step 😉
 27 February 2023, 16:43
Decals looks great, Andy 👍
 27 February 2023, 17:54
Andy Ball Autor
Bughunter- an honour know you've taken a look!
@Cuajete- decals are Cartograf and you know the rest….
@Jan- yes, I feel this one is somehow different in my catalogue of builds…
 27 February 2023, 17:59
Andy Ball Autor
 27 February 2023, 22:06
Juergen Klinglhuber
great ! well done
 28 February 2023, 07:25
Andy Ball Autor
Cheers Juergen! I'll take that!
 28 February 2023, 22:39
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you Peter and Simon
 1 March 2023, 08:06
István Szücs
Awesome building!
 1 March 2023, 08:25
Andy Ball Autor
@István: thanks, it's a great kit in the first place!
Thanks Eelco, and Hobbyzero!!
 1 March 2023, 08:27
Neil Patrick
Looking magnificent Andy! Especially the undersides. Mirrored base or hang from ceiling? 😉
 3 March 2023, 21:15
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you Neil, (combined both…mirrors on the ceiling 😉), no, this one's for the cabinet initially, then decide.
@Mainstream- thanks mate!
 3 March 2023, 23:07
Neil Patrick
Hahaha! Very good!
 4 March 2023, 08:53
Thomas Bischoff
again great work! Love the camo 👍
 6 March 2023, 18:52
Daniel Klink
Looking very good Andy👍
 6 March 2023, 19:58
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you Marius.
Appreciate those words from the "meisters" Daniel und Thomas!
 6 March 2023, 23:35
Andy Ball Autor
Thx art81, appreciate the look-see!
 7 March 2023, 23:03
Andy Ball Autor
Nudging into the holding pattern, gear down. Runway in sight….
 12 March 2023, 18:45
Guy Rump
Looking good, hope you have some luck with Hobby 2000....
 12 March 2023, 19:04
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Jose!!- @Guy I could be waiting some time 😞….
 12 March 2023, 21:34
Maciej Bellos
That's a top secret Marauder version with jet engines Andy... 😄

Having this half blade is a bummer.

Looking great!
 13 March 2023, 11:34
Andy Ball Autor
@Treehugger: thanks again!
@Marciej: yep, we suffer for our art...a 2mm shortened prop blade is simply not good enough! improvise it is!....
 13 March 2023, 13:07
Jan Peters
Shame about the crappy prop blades Andy🧐
I'm sure you'll sort it out, with or without the help of hobby 2000.
 13 March 2023, 15:47
Oh Andy, you're just one step away from finishing. I hope that shovel does not prevent you from accomplishing the great work you are doing. I'm sure you'll manage to fix it somehow.

This is the Hasegawa tool. Maybe you can request a replacement from them?
 13 March 2023, 20:46
Patryk S.
Your pace and finish are always something to behold. Congratulations in advance!
 13 March 2023, 21:19
Łukasz Gliński
Fingers crossed for the prop. The test shot looks fabulous, much better than the white backdrop 👍
 13 March 2023, 22:10
Andy Ball Autor
Hello Jan, Cuajete, and Lukasz: the offending prop has been scratch-built. I've just shot some X-1 over it, and they'll pass. If ever Hobby2000 do come back, I will be giving them some feedback!
@Lukasz: yes, my next trick is to really up the game on photos, I love my camera kit, but surprisingly finding photographing these subjects difficult.
@Patryk S: thanks again for keeping my mojo afloat!
@subotai: thanks!
 14 March 2023, 17:43
Shar Dipree
Hi Andy. I check my Hobby2000 kit from the B26 (72057) and my kit of Hasegawa (00552). The Hobby2000 kit has same mistake at one propellerblade. It affects both frames. *arg*
The Hasegawa is okay.
I made some picture, if you need it, feel free to contact me.
 14 March 2023, 21:14
Andy Ball Autor
It seems that the moulds commissioned by Hobby to Hasegawa are the culprit. I hope Hobby2000 aren't hiding their head in the sand, as they know this. I doubt Hasegawa would want to be involved in a replacement. If I get the motivation to chase Hobby 2000 again, may I incorporate your remarks and any photos you have? My remedial work is acceptable IMHO, and I'll post better pictures soon! Thanks for checking Shar!!
 14 March 2023, 23:12
Hi Andy, great work.
Just a couple of tips that may help with the photos if you're not already trying them. Tripod and a remote shutter release (failing that use the timer release) so you don't move the camera at all taking the shot. f11 way up to f22 for the wider shots will give a better overall focus of the whole model. Use manual focus whenever possible so that you can really focus on what you want to rather than the camera deciding for you. If you have a longer zoom lens try moving as far as you can away and zooming in to frame the shot, this will limit the distortion you can get when being too close to the subject. ISO 400-800 on Aperture Priority and let the camera worry about exposure length. As with anything practice makes perfect and that's the beauty of digital.
 15 March 2023, 00:21
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Slackbladder: I'm using my Canon EOS system, and surprisingly finding the images not so crisp despite the "L" lenses. I have switched to tripod, and feel this gives a better definition as it practically eliminates handshake. I think I need to play with lighting, and may purchase Canon's excellent 100mm macro in the near future. I'll check the ISO on my next shots too...I think mine are around 12800.
thanks @Helio & matrixbadger for the like
 15 March 2023, 10:46
Hi Andy, yeah if your ISO is that high that's what is creating the 'noise' / grainy look. The only way to eliminate that is to use a lower ISO, 400-800 is the sweet spot ideally and you will get crisper, sharper images. On the flipside if you want to create that WWII black and white grainy look high ISO gives you that. I also use a 7D and 5D, so similar set up. Best light is always natural light on a bright but overcast day (very little or no shadows), if that's not possible then a flash gun pointed up at the ceiling (to avoid nasty flash shadows) can help.
 15 March 2023, 11:37
Robert Podkoński
Awesome work, Andy!
 15 March 2023, 12:10
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Robert, it is a super subject which makes for an engaging build. Many many thank-yous. @ALF87, cheers too!
 15 March 2023, 15:19
James C
Awesome build Andy 👍
 15 March 2023, 16:42
Kyle DeHart
This was great to follow along with. Well done
 15 March 2023, 18:13
David Januska
Wow, perfect result and nice documentation. How could I miss this.
 15 March 2023, 18:19
Those propellers look great. I don't think I notice a difference between the kit blades and the repaired one. Big point for Andy!

@Slackbladder, thank you very much for the tips to photograph the kits. I'm sure they will be very useful for many of us 👍
 15 March 2023, 20:41
Pic 64 is a better version of your current teaser Andy, sharper image all over. Don't know whether you changed any settings or not.
 15 March 2023, 21:01
Michael Jonker
What a beauty and well done on the propellors.
 15 March 2023, 21:05
Łukasz Gliński
Props for the props! 👍
 15 March 2023, 21:12
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you for all the comments, and the like OaklandStyle. @David "ta very much" for your advice on the weights, yeh, the props worked in the end. I promise I'll use a better ISO SlackBladder and will send the finals from Station A-59 very soon.
 17 March 2023, 09:30
Andy Ball Autor
28th January 1945: NW of Paris a snow storm is starting. Valkyrie takes off with the crew of Lt. R.C. Barnard (pilot), Cptn. R.M. Mitchell (co-pilot), Lt. M.H. Seller (Bombardier), Sgt. R J. Collins, [and possibly 2 others].
The teeth of the snow storm grips the bomber when an engine fails. To avoid becoming disorientated and losing their way back to base, the pilot sees an open, frozen lake in a little hamlet known as Hams. He chooses this option to do an emergency landing. However the landing speed is so great that it careers the plane across the ice into a raised road bank whereupon it telescopes, breaks up, and with all that fuel on board, catches fire. All are killed.
I don't know these men, and I never will. I'm sure many crews met similar preventable accidents in this great conflict- like the two Lancasters that crashed in my village in January 1945 these men would have been young, and only 4-5 months from seeing the end of hostilities and possibly their lives ahead.
This is for you.
 2 April 2023, 17:47
Patrick Hagelstein
Well spoken Andy. I live close to the Margraten war cemetery and like to stroll around to have it all sink in once in a while. Every time I see an early '45 date engraved, I feel more sorrow as that person could have lived a couple of weeks longer and survive that awful war.
 2 April 2023, 17:53
James C
Awesome build Andy and intriguing background info as well 👍
 2 April 2023, 17:54
Guy Rump
Very impressive build Andy and poignant back story. 👍
 2 April 2023, 17:54
Andy Ball Autor
@Patrick- I dunno why these things motivate me as they do. In this generation of political correctness/woke etc., I want to remember those who gave it all so that we can have such freedoms of expression - whether we agree or not.
 2 April 2023, 18:31
Andy Ball Autor
@James- thanks again, love a back-story. Keeps you motivated somehow.

@Guy- thank-you for seeing it to the end too.
 2 April 2023, 18:32
Maciej Bellos
Well said Andy. Beautiful build!
 2 April 2023, 18:36
Wow... impressive result and touching story with a deserved dedication. Indeed we owe a lot to all these brave men. You can be very proud, Andy 🙂
 2 April 2023, 20:01
Patrick Hagelstein
 2 April 2023, 20:16
Andy Ball Autor
Marciej, thank-you.
Cuajete: 💯
 2 April 2023, 20:48
Edward MacKenzie
This is a MASTERPIECE, Ladies...!
 2 April 2023, 21:14
Andy Ball Autor
You're too kind Edwina
 2 April 2023, 21:37
Edward MacKenzie
Edwina... hmm... sounds good, Andrea 😉
 2 April 2023, 21:44
Nathan Dempsey
That's an absolutely lovely finish Andy. I can only hope my 1:48 project comes out even half as well when I start.
 2 April 2023, 22:56
Andy Ball Autor
If you're up a notch in scale Nathan, you'll have even more fun and less stress no doubt! They build into lovely subjects with all that ETO/MTO weathering and camo options. Good luck!!
@Martin: thanks for the like -and others I may have missed too.
 3 April 2023, 08:13
Jan Peters
Andy, it turned out great, and the pictures look good too👍🏻
 3 April 2023, 08:28
Bernd Grün
Great build and very nice presentation, Andy! Congrats, mate. 👍👌👍
 3 April 2023, 09:02
Andy Ball Autor
Jan and Bernd: thanks again, appreciate your patience with the build!
 3 April 2023, 09:56
Christoph Kunz
A moving story for an impressive build.
 3 April 2023, 18:16
Andy Ball Autor
Danke Christoph.
Thanks Brendan for looking in
 3 April 2023, 19:52
Pietro De Angelis
Perhaps this too will never be exhibited in the Uffizi Gallery but it is still another masterpiece,
 3 April 2023, 22:12
Andy Ball Autor
Grazie Pietro. I will have to channel all my Michelangelo next time, and probably get a display in the IKEA cabinet!
@Skywalker- thank-you again!
 3 April 2023, 22:49
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Michael for taking the time…
 19 April 2023, 15:24
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Tyson, appreciate the visit
 19 April 2023, 20:57
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks Petar for popping in
 20 April 2023, 07:05
Andy Ball Autor
and Alberto too
 20 April 2023, 09:45
Andy Ball Autor
Thanks András!
 23 July 2023, 19:32
Andy Ball Autor
Thank-you for the visit, Carlos.
 24 July 2023, 07:31

Album info

I built the Airfix one in the past.
Now to give ex-Hasegawa a try.
Going to be grubbed up to represent the French detachment <<nord du Paris, l'hiver, 1944>>

79 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 B-26B Marauder (Hobby 2000 72058)
Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder
US US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
497 BS, 344 BG, 9 AF 71-B | 42-95864 Valkyrie (Lt. Witherbee)
1944 World War 2»Operation Overlord»D-Day - Cormeilles-en-Vexin FR
FS36173 FS34087 FS37875 FS37038

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