First Time Casting From My Own Mould

Casting your own part, is very ambitious, what a brilliant idea.
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The part being cast is the lower engine cover panel, which is missing from a fellow Scalemate's copy of the Eduard 1121 Spitfire Mk 22/24. Never having done a mold and casting before, I did some research and took some of Bob Esplin's recommendations. I got some good results for my first try...
I think better results can be achieved with practice to eliminate air pockets, by better tamping of the material, and get a better blend of the epoxy compounds by more kneading and rolling.
The hardest part is actually knowing how much casting material to use. I only did a one-part mould of the outer surface of the part. If I did a two part mold of both sides, I would be hard pressed to judge the right amount of casting material to use, and good results could only be obtained through trial and error, I believe.