2960th SkyhawkWidoczność: Pokaz slajdów Mozaika Lista 1February 18, 2023I have since added the transparency on the nose of the model... 2February 18, 2023 3February 18, 2023 4February 18, 2023 5February 18, 2023 6February 18, 2023I have since added the transparency on the nose of the model... 7February 18, 2023 8February 18, 2023I have since added the transparency on the nose of the model... Komentarzy 10 18 February 2023, 14:37James CVery cool and very eye catching 👍 18 February 2023, 15:53Villiers de VosVery nice work. 18 February 2023, 15:53Album infoModel built OOB from the Fujimi kit, painted with Vallejo, Gunze and Hataka paints and finished with the appropriate decals from the Microscale 72-227 sheet (and homemade decals for the red on the air intakes). A-4M Skyhawk8 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:72Gotowe Wszystkie albumyWyświetl wszystkie albumy »