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Desert Marlin (DesertMarlin)

OSU2 Kingfisher

Photo 1 of 10


18 24 February 2023, 16:16
That's a sharp looking kit
 24 February 2023, 16:24
Desert Marlin Autor
Thanks! I got all the data together for the actual aircraft. I believe this one survived the Pearl Harbor attack.
 24 February 2023, 16:34
Robert Podkoński
Good job!
 24 February 2023, 16:55
David Januska
Nice job. The antenas look perfect I like it 👍.
 24 February 2023, 18:32
Guy Rump
Very impressive clean build. 👍
 24 February 2023, 19:50
Desert Marlin Autor
 25 February 2023, 02:27

Album info

My OSU2 Kingfisher (1:48 Monogram) for Pearl Harbor Memorial at the Tucson VA Hospital 2011.

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