F/A-18F Super Hornet - VFA-103 'Jolly Rogers'
72 25 March 2023, 21:58

Looks pretty much ok, not any visible problems regarding the assembly.
Paint is spot on I think.
25 March 2023, 22:13

Decals for the canopy are simply the worst. I hoped to avoid masking the canopy, but after having most of the decals down with horrible fit, I think about how to get them clear coated without dulling down the canopy? Masking maybe... so I am seriously considering removing the canopy decals and going the normal way.
What are your experiences with these canopy decals? Did anybody use them?
13 April 2023, 20:29

Think you mean the "skunk stripe"?
I would always advise to mask those - looking at the last pic I would try to remove and mask, those look really uncooperative...and if you apply tape over these decals for protecting the canopy eg I think it would create a real mess when removed🤔
13 April 2023, 23:08

@Skyhiker The kit has decals for the canopy itself. There is a black decal that is intended to go over the front and the windshield, then there are two stripes that go alongside the clear canopy and three across. And then there are two (or three, the manual is not very clear about that) decals for the black area behind the canopy. All these are intended to go over surfaces that are curved in multiple angles.
@Daniel My thoughts exactly, the tape would make a mess out of these decals.
So... I removed the canopy decals (worked pretty well) and will mask the canopy and the "skunk stripe" for airbrushing. Let's see how that goes 😉
14 April 2023, 06:46

Ich stimme mit Roland überein. Im Zweifelsfall immer maskieren. Der Mehraufwand lohnt sich.
14 April 2023, 07:20

@Roland Thanks 🙂
@Bernd Gehe ich an, ob das dann ein Mehraufwand zu dem Decal Debakel ist wird sich zeigen 😉
14 April 2023, 07:56

Ahh, now I understand what you mean. Yes, that's a simple paint job. You could use decal softener but it's probably not worth the time or effort, because the painting is faster and will give you better results.
14 April 2023, 09:38

@Skyhiker you are right on that.
One thing I learned from this kit is, that the panel lines in the manual and on the model itself have nothing to do with each other. Makes placing some stencils kind of guesswork.
15 April 2023, 20:05

Mental note to myself: Don't use those decals! 😂 The painted skunk stripe looks way better Mattes. Overall, I think you did a splendid job here! Especially considering that somebody else already built it and you're stuck with his/her craftsmanship.
1 15 April 2023, 20:05

Thank you Chan Li, espacially for the friendly reminder to update this with the current status and new pictures 😉 will do that this weekend.
Also thanks mates for the likes and the interest 😀
2 June 2023, 19:44

At least I managed to take some time and add all the missing small antennas and the centerline tank. As the AIM-9X Sidewinders came damaged with this ebay-find, I think I just leave this one without missiles or pods, just with the three tanks.
I also did some tests to maybe shoot some better pictures someday 😉
1 4 June 2023, 19:50

Tolles Ergebnis. Finde das Weathering ist sehr gut gelungen! Glückwunsch! 👍👌👍
1 5 June 2023, 06:21

Großartiges Ergebnis und danke für die Warnung wegen den Decals!
1 13 December 2024, 18:59

I've built a 1/144 version and it's definitely one of my favourites, l would like to do a 1:72 in future.
Great work 👏
1 14 December 2024, 17:28

Great build and weathering, thank you for the tips about decals on the canopy and for posting the codes of the paints. 👍🫡
1 21 December 2024, 08:18

Saubere Arbeit Mattes! Ist richtig gut geworden. Der Bausatz liegt inkl. Resin Cockpit bei mir auf'm Stapel und wird vermutlich mein nächstes Projekt! 🙂
1 25 December 2024, 20:38

Thanks Christian & Jennifer!
Simon, viel Spaß beim bauen, das werd ich mir anschauen 👍. Hab die Revell Super Hornet noch als E Variante. Mal sehen wann ich die angehe 🙂
25 December 2024, 21:44

Danke! Na dann werde ich hier wohl mal wieder nen „Bau-Blog" starten. Gabs abgesehen vom Cockpit Decal für Dich Schwierigkeiten beim Bau oder Stellen, welche Du beim nächsten Mal anders angegangen wärest?
25 December 2024, 22:29

Die Super Hornet hab ich "aus der Bucht" und die war schon etwas angefangen worden zu bauen. Ich meine zumindest die Lufteinlässe hätten auch schon Farbe drauf gehabt die ich abschleifen musste. Sonst hab ich den Kit in guter Erinnerung. Revell hat in den Anleitungen häufig andere Panelaufteilungen als am Modell, daher aufpassen wo die Decals hinkommen. Die waren aber top zu verarbeiten, die vom Cockpitrahmen mal ausgenommen.
26 December 2024, 08:22
Album info
Got the Revell kit on the cheap via eBay. It was already started, so I had to strip some paint and disassemble and sand down some parts that were poorly glued together. Challenge accepted ?