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ch hoeltge
Christian Abraham (ch hoeltge)

SMS Derflinger


18 16 April 2023, 10:26
Tom B.
Nice work 👍 Derfflinger is a really good looking ship! And that little floatplane is a cool detail
 16 April 2023, 15:20
Guy Rump
Impressive build, following. 👍
 16 April 2023, 16:53
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks guys
 16 April 2023, 17:51
Landlubber Mike
Wonderful work on these models. I love the lines on German warships, and you built the Derfflinger perfectly. Great job!
 2 June 2023, 17:38
Mr James
Impressive looking ship
 2 June 2023, 17:40
Christian Abraham Autor
Yes they were beautiful ships.
 3 June 2023, 10:56
Guy Rump
Excellent modelling, congrats! 👍
 3 June 2023, 11:04
Andriy Shvets
A beautiful diorama and very neat work on such a small scale!
 20 March 2024, 08:11
I agree with Guy and Andriy!
 20 March 2024, 08:14
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks guys. This was a fun build as I love the design from the ships.
 20 March 2024, 11:35

Project info

84 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:700 SMS Derfflinger 1916 The First Commemorative Edition (FlyHawk Model FH1300L)1:700 SMS Derfflinger 1916 (Gold Medal Edition) (FlyHawk Model FH780002)

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