modelarska baza danych | zarządzanie magazynem
ch hoeltge
Christian Abraham (ch hoeltge)

SMS Scharnhorst


15 16 April 2023, 10:46
Johne 69
Wonderful 👍
How was the quality of the kit ?
 16 April 2023, 13:48
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks. The quality Was great as all Kombrig models
 16 April 2023, 15:15
Christian Abraham Autor
Old Project, now with waterbase
 21 September 2024, 14:44
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work and first class water effects.
 29 September 2024, 14:48
I agree with Villiers de Vos.
 29 September 2024, 15:27
Christian Abraham Autor
Thanks. I'm improving my skills there
 29 September 2024, 18:08
Guy Rump
Beautiful! 👍
 29 September 2024, 18:41

Project info

31 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:700 Scharnhorst - 1907 (Combrig 70257)

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