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Desert Marlin (DesertMarlin)

F-86D Revell Germany


34 13 June 2023, 04:16
Mr James
Beautifully painted metal finish. I really like that colour scheme.
1  20 June 2023, 18:57
Desert Marlin Autor
Thanks! Check out the boo boo pictures of the section of red that pulled up with the masking tape! Hate when that happens…
 21 June 2023, 19:37
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  17 October 2023, 14:51
Maciej Bellos
Looking forward to the in flight mode!
 17 October 2023, 17:33
Giannis Kaltapanidis
Beautiful paintjob, and an interesting theme! Thumbs up!
 17 October 2023, 18:19

Album info

Needed a quick kit to refresh my painting knowledge for natural metal planes. This one looked nice. I planned on making it "wheels up" and on a rocket launch run.

16 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:48 F-86D "Dog Sabre" (Revell 03832)

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