UH-34D Sea Horse
- Skala:
- 1:72
- Status:
- Gotowe
- Rozpoczęte:
- September 2, 2018
- Gotowe :
- November 7, 2018
Zawartość projektu
Albumy zdjęć
Część mojej Kolekcja
2 September 2018, 21:10

The Italeri-kit seems to be of quite promising quality, fit and general shape appear to be reasonable.
Nevertheless, the crew compartment and the cabins interior would be too empty if build "oob". With some etched parts from an Eduard detail-set and a lot of scratching and painting it gets a little bit more into life, so I hope.
6 October 2018, 19:10

The SH 34 has got all of its etched parts, next step will be getting first paint on the surfaces🙂
11 October 2018, 13:53