Lexus LFA
- Skala:
- 1:24
- Status:
- Gotowe
Managed to pick the kit up on eBay for half the normal price. After researching on the internet, came across a version Lexus released with a carbon fibre finish which I had to try and replicate. Used Tamiya TS6 Matt Black and it came up a treat. Rest of the model painted as per instructions (Gloss White finish suggested) as I thought I red interior went well with the black matt finish. Only other difference was painting brake blocks red to try and give it a more sporty feel. Apart from the rear light, didn't quite go to plan, I'm really happy with the end result.
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20 January 2013, 13:00

I found a photo of this car on the internet in it's natural carbon fibre finish, so I tried to replicate that look. I don't think it turned out too bad.
20 January 2013, 13:04