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Paul Hennessy (pod1610)

Road to Misrata

April 16, 2017

Using predominantly Meng kits, and as part of "Operation Stash Depletion", an opportunity for some creative and credible modelling.

Zawartość projektu

Light AA Gun Set ZU-23-2, ZPU-1, ZPU-2, ZPU-4 4-in-1
Meng Model 1:35
SPS-026 2016 Nowe formy Więcej niż jeden temat (4)
Pickup Set
Meng Model 1:35
VS-007 2016 Nowe części Więcej niż jeden temat (2)
IRAQ Kit 2 (4 figures)
UA Master Box (MB) 1:35
MB3576 2010 Nowe formy

Albumy zdjęć

14 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Road to MistraView album, image #1
1:35 Pickup Set (Meng Model VS-007)1:35 Light AA Gun Set (Meng Model SPS-026)1:35 IRAQ (Master Box MB3576)


16 April 2017, 11:11
Paul Hennessy Autor
First up, the Hilux.
Painless construction, and I decided to dress up the cab for a more lived in look before this all gets buttoned up.
 20 April 2017, 09:30
Paul Hennessy Autor
Moving slowly with this one... mojo drop off and real life stuff to deal with. That said I've made reasonable progress with my Next vehicle. Instead of the Lsnd cruiser, I've gone for another Hilux from the stash, but with a different look.... As I am currently compressor-less this has been achieved with spray cans , some masking fluid and hairy stick. Now working on the weapons platform in place of the load bed- thinking of a "home made" launcher of some description. Slow progress but its still progress....
 23 June 2017, 06:59
Paul Hennessy Autor
A bit more achieved this wee on Blue. Not based on anything specific, but still a credible design option I think. .Might actually get this done before the end of summer......
 27 June 2017, 07:16
Paul Hennessy Autor
Progress on the shooty tubes. Still lots to do before its ready to offer up to the bed for fixing but I am happy with progress. Some enamel filters to add more chromatic variations and also seal for some more acrylic work. Need to start on figures to populate this. Max of 3 I think...
 29 June 2017, 06:59
Paul Hennessy Autor
Been awhile since i've been online, but happy to say this is now complete. got it done just intime for my local MAFVA branch show in October. . Very happy with how it finished.
 23 November 2017, 08:02